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With EE on my TU in September and EE on my EX as of today (1/21/24), does anybody know how long I have to wait until Amex will accept CLI requests from me? Keeping in mind that they don't consider CLI requests on accounts with a BK reporting, and because *I think* they look at EX for CLIs, how long until the removal of my BK percolates through to them?
I haven't seen a definate answer if Amex does or doesn't give CLI if you still have a BK showing on ur credit file
EDIT: I had the dates wrong; corrected below.
I have Platinum and Blue Cash Preferred with $1k line. Opened the Blue in June 2023 and Platinum in August 2023. Platinum was approved after sending in financial info.
I asked for my first CLI to go to the $2k limit on the Blue yesterday and was told no due to BK reported on my credit reports. I have a Ch 13 that I paid off and had discharged on May 2023, so I have to wait until April 2024 2025 for it to be entirely off my credit report. It seems that a reported BK does affect CLI approvals.
I only use the Platinum for $200-300 to upgrade my business trips to 1st and pay it off. Blue is usually paid off regularly, and I only used it for my internet subscriptions, gas, and groceries for the points. Debt to income is only 1-2%, and I have a few other cards with balances less than $300-400, usually paid off monthly—credit lines totaling close to $15-17k all in. Good income etc.
It is disappointing as I feel like I paid my dues, and they are only hanging on the fact the BK shows still to say no even when I've demonstrated I have responsibly used credit.
I guess I don't understand. I mean they approve you and issue you a card(s) with a Bankruptcy on your credit file but won't give you a CLI with one on there. Just doesn't make sense in my opinion.
Yeah I agree makes no sense. I chatted in and the agent was very nice but legit didn't give me any details other than the standard answer they gave.
I received a 3X CLI from AMEX yesterday on my BCE. OCL was $2,000 and received $6,000 new TCL! BK7 (8.5 years) reporting on all bureaus so you definitely may receive a CLI with a BK reporting.
Card has been opened for 15 months. All previous CLI requests were denied.
@Johnmccoy2710 wrote:I guess I don't understand. I mean they approve you and issue you a card(s) with a Bankruptcy on your credit file but won't give you a CLI with one on there. Just doesn't make sense in my opinion.
AMEX is known to keep people with major derogatory items on a short leash if they get approved, so it's not too surprising that they won't give a CLI in this situation. I didn't file BK but had numerous COs, once I finally made it into AMEX's good graces they approved me for a Zync charge card with a hard limit of $200 which they would never budge on.
@cabledude27 wrote:I have a Ch 13 that I paid off and had discharged on May 2023, so I have to wait until April 2024 for it to be entirely off my credit report.
I'm curious, how is it your Chapter 13 will be falling off your credit reports only a year after your discharge?
Chapter 13:
I categorically refuse to do AZEO!
It stays on for seven years from when you file for Chapter 13. So, I filed in April 2017, paid my repayments for 5 years and completed it, got my discharge in May 2023.
@cabledude27 wrote:It stays on for seven years from when you file for Chapter 13. So, I filed in April 2017, paid my repayments for 5 years and completed it, got my discharge in May 2023.
So your discharge took six years? Did you have some kind of a COVID adjustment?
Chapter 13:
I categorically refuse to do AZEO!