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@CashBackQueen wrote:
Hi everyone. I've read that Barclays is a bankruptcy friendly bank, as long as you can show 6+ months of positive rebuilding history with a few other cards. I really want their Carnival Cruise World MasterCard, not interested in their other products. Is this a higher tiered card and more difficult to get? My current stats are in my sig, UTIL this month is a little high (22% since Discover snuck and reported a balance before the statement even cut - I've already paid it down to 0 though) In the next couple weeks my UTIL will show 1% on my Capital One and AZEO, <1% overall. Not trying to app til December, but I plan to keep UTIL that low and expect a score boost from that and from accounts aging. Do I have a good chance at that card? If not, it's okay, I don't NEED it. And are there any other travel cards that may be better for a cruise and fit my profile? Never had a travel card before so I don't know what to look for, I've ways been into cash back
Thanks for the help!
I'm going to pay attention to this thread because I cruise all the time with Carnival and I'd love that card too!
Just dropping some info I've learned about this card.
- Requires a good credit score (680+ is recommended), I'd definitely get into that range first and be steady there before applying as it'll give you the best odds of getting it
- Barclay's is a decent lender (IMO) but there are better lenders out there, Barclay's can be finicky with CL's and is known to balance chase and other things.
Do you really want this card? There's better cards out there IMO, i.e. Chase Sapphire Preffered and more. If you're looking for rewards that then CSP is a better card all around, if for cash back, depending on what you're looking for (Discover IT, BOA Rewards, etc.)
@CashBackQueen wrote:
@xaximus I know I won't qualify for any Chase card by December, my BK will only be 11 months old. I'd be willing to choose another card, just don't know what's out there as far as travel. And if I don't find anything, that's still okay. Just thought this card would be nice since I love sailing with Carnival.
On that note, I would try getting a Capital One card, either the Platinum or QS, once you have that, you can then do a PC to a Venture Rewards card, which is a good travel card. Even though the CL might be on the lower side, it'll help with establishing credit as well.