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Hello, everyone:
I suppose I should have asked this BEFORE I made the CLI request. I have a Cap1 QS with a small CL ($3,100), the smallest of my 7 CLs. My balance on the card is zero, as are the balances on 4 of my 7 cards. However, my UR over the seven cards is approximately 55%. I haven't made a CLI request in well over 2 years while I gardened. I have a completely clean record except as described below. I asked for 6K, almost doubling my current CL. Current scores are EX714, EQ687 and TU667 (where there's one tiny medical derog). Inquiries at all 3 are 1.
Finally, I get to my question: Cap1 said they'd get back to me in 1-3 days. If they deny my 6K CLI request, will they come back with an alternative, lower offer, or is it up to me to make another request at a lower level?
I could have waited until I'm back to AZEO in a couple of months, but I had my reasons. Thanks for any light you can shed. Cheers.
Typically, if approved, it's an instant decision with the option to accept or decline the CLI offer.
Unfortunately, this is likely a denial and there won't be a counteroffer. When you receive the letter, you can review the reason(s) and you can evaluate things from that point.
@FinStar wrote:Typically, if approved, it's an instant decision with the option to accept or decline the CLI offer.
Unfortunately, this is likely a denial and there won't be a counteroffer. When you receive the letter, you can review the reason(s) and you can evaluate things from that point.
I'll keep my fingers crossed. Of course, I went too high on the CLI request, but I've never been shy about that and, to date, I've rarely been disappointed and often pleasantly surprised. But, in this case, there's probably not such a fine line between bravado and stupidity.
Denied. Cap1 pulled EQ. Fortunately, Discover gave me +1K on a card with 81% utilization on a SP and Navy gave me +1K on a card with 0% utilization and a SP on TU, my worst CR. I think I'll quit when I'm about even and head back to the garden for a few more months.