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When I got approved for my Amex card last month I checked CK and they didnt show any inquires. Is there another way to check if it was a HP? Im sure it was but Im confused as to why it wouldnt show. Is there a sure way to check?
Amex usually pulls EXP and you don't get that with CK.
Amex almost never pulls anything but experian, the report ck doesn't give you.
Oh ok. Thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering why they dont give Experian. Is there a place you can get your Experian report?
Besides the free one youre allowed once per year from each one appearently.
Besides what everyone else has told you, as you just starting out in the credit world, just assume that every application you make will result in a HP or multiple HPs. If a new credit product isn’t worth the HP(s), then more than likely it’s not worth applying for in the first place.
Experian has a free phone app that will show you your current report and give you alerts as well. That's what I use.