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Are both physical addresses or is one PO Box?
Most applications have " No PO Box" language already there to be compliant with Patriot Act. Issuers want verifiable addresses.
Your drivers license should have the address where you actually live and so should the issuer.
Some applications have secondary address field where you could put your mailing address.
If you've previously notified them of both physical and mailing address, you should be fine.
Welcome to the forums!!
Resident address is your physical address, and address stated on your DL.
Mailing address is where you want your mail/documents mailed too. It can be a different physical address or a PO BOX.
When you apply, you need to apply with your resident address, and then you can always change it later to a mailing address.
They may want to confirm your DL to what address you put on the app. Its a verification thing.
@Anonymous wrote:
Thank you for this information!! My residential address matches my DL and that’s what they want me to send in. I was just confused because I had zero issues with the secured card and now this! So I should be fine uploading it with my residential address on it correct? Thank you in advance! You guys rock here!
Yes, you should be fine because address on file matches address on ID.
Don't stress request for ID documents. They are common these days and it might be they are just making sure it's really you who applied.
Looking forward to seeing an approval thread from you.
@Anonymous Thank you for that information, however, it's really not applicable to OPs situation.
Lets not stress them even more, there is no hacking involved here.