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Not yet! Been at work all day. Hopefully tonight.
I blame you guys for applying. Instant approval. New approval post to follow. lol
@slither43 wrote:I blame you guys for applying. Instant approval. New approval post to follow. lol
AWWWEE peer pressure
No doubt! Hoping to see this post head to the approval category soon!
Just called 888-338-2586 and still had the 30 day message.
Nope, last week I called and still got the 30 day message. Should I just call a talk with someone at this point? I'm on vacation now, so haven't thought much about it.
I did apply for the WF Propel and got an initial decline, but I called and they said it was because they needed to verify me first. Since I'm on vacation and don't have cell coverage (yeah weird, I have internet but no cell), they couldn't send me a text, so I'll probably drive to a spot so I can call again and receive a text.
One positive is that my credit scores only went down 1-4 points for the 2 hard pulls.
Well, I just called the app status line for the CSP and it said I've been approved and should receive the card in 7-10 business days. Yeah!
Now I'll just have to call WF and get the Propel approved. Hopefully all WF wants is verification it's me.
Wasn't planning on two cards at the same time, but I've got some spend coming up so I'll be able to get the SUBs. for both.
Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to garden for a long time now probably.