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Hey all,
Considering applying for the CapitalOne Venture X.
Income $120k
Experian: 757 Equi: 741 TU: 741
Average age of accounts:4.5 years
Oldest account: 15.6 years
4 inquires (Equifax counts 6 - 3 were for credit cards)
Usage avg 4%
Total credit: 70k (includes accounts I am an auth user on)
Current cards: Chase Freedom Unlimited ($7k), local credit union card (2k)
I appreciate any feedback - just trying to avoid the hard pull if I don't have much of a shot in the first place.
IMO you should be good, the outlier being your credit limits.
@bcooper wrote:Hey all,
Considering applying for the CapitalOne Venture X.
Income $120k
Experian: 757 Equi: 741 TU: 741
Average age of accounts:4.5 years
Oldest account: 15.6 years
4 inquires (Equifax counts 6 - 3 were for credit cards)
Usage avg 4%
Total credit: 70k (includes accounts I am an auth user on)
Current cards: Chase Freedom Unlimited ($7k), local credit union card (2k)
I appreciate any feedback - just trying to avoid the hard pull if I don't have much of a shot in the first place.
What does your Cap1 prequal page say?
Does it offer you the Venture?
Check the pre approvals, if you see the Venture, you should be good for the Venture X. Expect a $10,000-$15,000 SL.
I would try the Cap 1 prequalifier. If you have the the Venture card listed I'd apply. You have the scores but where you're lacking is experience with limits. The minimum limit for the Venture X is $10,000. Be prepared for three hard pulls.
agree with others.
pretty good sign for Venture X approval (if) you prequalify for all the other Venture cards for good credit. For an extra warm fuzzy check "Credit Karma" see if the Venture card appears there too, not that you should be guided by CK but rather use it as a pulse factor.
Thanks all. Cap1 shows I am pre-approved for the VentureOne Rewards, Venture Rewards and 4 others. I will probably apply given your feedback. Thanks again
report back - we're all on standby. I say he gets $30K SL
@FLLGuy wrote:report back - we're all on standby. I say he gets $30K SL
I'll take the middle ground 15-20k
no other big limits, high income w/that score?
Cap1 will likey
@Mdowning30 wrote:Check the pre approvals, if you see the Venture, you should be good for the Venture X. Expect a $10,000-$15,000 SL.
@Mdowning30 @C6 @FLLGuy thank you all for stating this! This is good to know! I didn't know about this. Last week my wife used the pre approval tool and we saw the Venture and Venture One but didn't see the Venture X that she was looking for.