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I've been looking to get a new balance transfer card without taking-up my Green Star offer of a $3,000 Slate Edge from Chase. Being 0/6, 1/12, 3/24 with a smidge over 10% util and 743 FICOs across the board I unfroze my Experian on the 25th and apped the BofA Bank Americard. Denied. I then refroze Experian and thawed Equifax to try for the Wells Fargo Reflect (the pre-qual page only works for me when EQ is unfrozen - even if both others are frozen - and that's also what they pulled for my last unsuccessful app with them). Again, no dice. I thought about thawing Transunion to try US Bank but figured that, in light of the first 2, my odds were right down there with winning the lottery or getting a date... So, I resigned myself to taking the Chase offer. I apped, little spinny thing spun, "Nope!" it told me. Man, was I bummed...
A few hours later it hit me: I had forgotten to thaw EX again! I called and was told I'd have to call a different number Monday before 9pm. Well, Mon. & Tue. I was too busy to get around to it so on Wed. I unfroze EX and called (and, surprisingly, the guy I got on the phone wasn't Indian or Filipino but, rather, German!?! ) and approved me in a few minutes. After I got that out of the way I decided WTH and scanned the QR-Code on the pre-approved More Rewards mailer from NFCU (since I was still 4/24) and Approved! - for a whopping $500.
What can you do? I guess I'll just hope for a CLI in 3 months and maybe another card with a better limit next year.
On Saturday I got my letters from Wells & BofA. Wells said they needed my EX unfrozen (figures!). BofA just said to call 'em within the next 30 days, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. This afternoon I got out of bed early, (I'm nocturnal,) thawed EX & called Wells (who sent me to Bangalore) and they told me to wait to be contacted within the next few days. I then called BofA, spoke with a nice young American lady who asked some questions, texted me a code, then approved me for $3,000. Less than an hour later, my phone rang. Now, usually I don't answer my phone, especially when I don't recognize the number, but thinking it might be Wells ('though fearing it might be some clown trying to secure my vote for the wrong side) I answered. It was Wells! More questions, their own texted code and, approved for $1,500 - not what I was hoping for but still a surprising victory with 2 other EX HPs in less than 2 weeks.
So, my quest for 1 or 2 new cards became 4 new cards and $8,000 in new credit taking me to $42,700 TCL (just a smidge under twice my reported income). Of course, now I gotta worry about Chase freakin' out... I'm glad I didn't hit BCU & Alliant after the initial Chase denial! I know I'm gonna take a big age hit (AoOA 3y6m, AAoA 2y3m, 9 open/1 closed, before these apps) but this will drop my util to about 8.2% and that might ameliorate some of the new card penalty.
Anyway, off to the garden for 6-12 months. I think I'll join Jovia and maybe 1 more CU and let those memberships age a bit...
(Edited to correct a typo)
Congrats on your four approvals and +$8k in new limits!
That’s Terrific!! Congratulations on all your Approvals!!👏🏼🍾🥂
Haha on the German CSR!
Grats on the spree!
Won't most banks pull from the bureau(s) of their choice despite what you freeze/unfreeze? I suppose the reason to freeze before app would be if bureau pull is uncertain and you are non-negotiable on getting another HP with a certain bureau. But beyond that, unless you are going on a huge app spree (5+ cards), can't people save themselves a lot of hassle (as your case demonstrates) by just unfreezing all three and let the chips fall where they may? You could decrease unecessary HPs by not applying for anything that you can't get an online pre-qual approval on. Otherwise it seems you're just creating a lot of extra work for yourself when you are open to unfreezing that bureau to get the card anyway?
I realize in the case of you just forgot it was frozen that's understandable. But seems the whole selective freeze/unfreeze game doesn't end up providing a lot of benefit in most cases.
Most CC lenders have one or two preferred CRAs they use, which usually vary based on where you're applying from. If one is frozen then in some cases they'll sometimes default to a secondary CRA, or it may block your application altogether until you unfreeze.
Cap1 is one of the exceptions in that they'll pull all three CRAs.
Congrats on your round-about spree success
Congratulations on your approvals!