MOMTIMES7 wrote:
Super wow! How long have you had the card, how do you use it, scores, income? I'm new to Discover as of last month.
2 years. I rarely use it unless there's 5% gas. I used to use it for their 5% movies but i stopped that because i use a Signature Visa Card (Chase Freedom) to buy movie tickets which i usually do when Chase Freedom 5% movies catergory kicks in this way i get 25% off or cash back on movie tickets instead. Sometimes i use Discover shopping on their discover Deals website mainly Sephora where they sometimes offer 10% cash back. DISCOVER is known to offer soft pull credit limit increases every 6 months under $4,000. My goal is to bring it up more so i can take advantage of their 0% balance transfer offers you will always see under your account tab. I used my Discover card once this year and its my 2nd credit limit increase this year as well. The first one was eariler this year (thanks to Myfico 285 page forum on this glitch...) had some glitch going on with their website and were giving everyone a $1,000 credit limit increases. DISCOVER gives out free credit scores every month to its card holders. I Believe they use TransUnion and mines shows 757 with 6% credit utilization.