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Gongrats OP!
I recently got approved for $2K with AmEx as well. From which day you started counting 61 days?
Today was 62 days since my approval date 12-13–17, although on my Experian app it says opened account on 12-1-17, but all their open dates are at the first of the month??
Should be an Experian specific issue. If you pull your EX report you will likely see all your credit cards are shown as opened on the 1st of months.
Congratulations on the CLI!
Congrats! I was just approved for the AmEx PRG and Everyday Blue Cash two days ago. Already have my calendar marked and will try the 3X CL when it's time
Nice job! I’m coming up on mine! This will be my second CLI for my BCP. I went from 2k to 4K (😟). Hoping to get to 12k, but I had a balance on my account for a majority of my 6 months waiting period. 😩😩😩 We’ll see how AmEx liked that. Just started paying it off, got like 50% paid and more coming. It’ll be paid off by mid March.
Good luck to you, who knows maybe if you get your balance down and then give it a little time? It’s hard to be impatient though lol
My balance was 1675. Threw whatever grocery charges i put on it, plus 200. Then 590, now its at 885, and I’m thinking ill throw another 295 at it.
Congrats. They won't increase my $1000 limt on my delta at all.