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Got my scores up EX 745/TU 729/EQ 755 from low 600's few months back from Upstart consolidation loan. Was going to garden 2-3 months before apping, but saw that my Upstart loan reported to my Experian (used by AmEx) which I thought was only reporting to TU. I've also been watching my AmEx pre-approvals to see when my newest scores get pulled. Today my EX FICO8 updated on the AmEx website same time as Upstart reporting to EX. So I checked for pre-approvals again and saw the wonderful "You're pre-approved, get decision in 30 secs yadda yadda" (that's exactly how it displayed to me ). I figured, if I continue to garden, then the Upstart loans will impact my score and I'm not sure by how much. So might as well go for the SP apps with AmEx now rather than later.
Well, I searched for a 90K referral link in a FB group and app'd, and I got approved and with POT of $31K. Now wondering if I should wait a month for the next AmEx score update and risk a decrease, or wait the 5-6 days and app for another AmEx revolver. Already have BonVoy Brilliant and Delta Plat. Thinking of EDP for the SUB and expand my overall CL.
Decided to also try for a CLI on my Delta Plat right after the Gold approval—
Wanted to stay safe just under $35K (to avoid IV) with $33K total across the two revolvers. Got SP instant approval! $11.1K --> $27.7K
Congrats on the approval.
WooHoo!! Congratulations on your Golden AMEX Approval!!👏🏼🍾🥂
Congrats on your Amex Gold approval.
Excellent SUB, grats on getting it and the card!
Congrats on your AMEX Gold approval & Delta Platinum CLI
How long had you had the other Amex cards? How many new accounts from others did you open in the last 12 months? How many inquiries did you have? If you dont mind sharing data points that would be helpful.
@MCM1 wrote:How long had you had the other Amex cards? How many new accounts from others did you open in the last 12 months? How many inquiries did you have? If you dont mind sharing data points that would be helpful.
I got the BonVoy Brilliant 8K SL (Jan 2019) and Delta Plat $1.4 SL (Mar 2019) with scores of 690s (18-20 late baddies 2016). Requested and got a CLI of $7K more on the BonVoy on day 61 (same day as Delta Plat approval), then transferred credit between the two to have $5.3K BonVoy and $11.1K Delta Plat. Poorly managed my spend maxing 90% UTIL (varied high balance or over limit) from mid-2020 until this June. Most recent accounts opened was Upstart cc debt consolidation $32.7K this past June 2022 and auto lease from May 2021. Inquiries at time of Gold approval was EX3/TU5/EQ2. 12 late baddies 2016. SP pull from frozen Experian was 726 (would have preferred my most recent 745).
Congratulations on your Amex approval and CLI!
Congratulations on your approval and CLI! 🎉