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Well, the good thing is you can call back once you muster the confidence and ask for 10K and let them counter. The game with Synch is to ask high and collect what's due. There have been isntances where people have been modest and asked for 10K and gotten 13K out of the call even though they asked for less.
Just shoot for the stars and collect your CL.
You can call them again right now if you want and they'll either give it to you or they won't.
Be confident and just call them again and ask for 10K and see what your proverbial ceiling is right now.
There's no harm in asking, only in low balling yourself by asking for too little.
What she meant to ask was, 'Are you sure.... you don't want to ask for more?" Haha. I always ask for $25,000 whenever I talk to them. My Lowes card is 17,000, Amazon is 5000, Belk's is 8000 and Marvel MC is 8000 all bc I just ask for 25k without batting an eye. Amazon and Lowes I got increases before I even got the cards. Was approved for 1500 originally on each of those. I got 6000 on Lowes and then after 3 statements, hit them up again and got 17k. The lady on the phone doesn't care, she gets these calls all day long. I would call back and ask for more right away if it was me, since you got exactly what you wanted, makes me think you left money on the table. And like many will tell you, its likely a SP anyway, no harm, no foul. Best of luck!
Congrats on your "credit solutions" increase - looks like you got exactly what you wanted - as stated in your other tread. Personally - while you can poke the bear - I'd give it a couple of months to prove you can manage the higher limit, then you can askfor $5k
I was nervous the first time too. But, she really doesn't care. Ask for $25k. If they only wanna give you 6000, she'll say, sorry, couldn't approve for 25k, but can approve for 6000, is that ok? Or something really similar. Let a statement or two cut and try again. There really is no harm in asking high. Listen to everyone here. In one year I've gone from about $4000 in credit to $120,000.