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Congratulations on your approval!!
Congrats on Approval
@Anonymous wrote:
I was pre-approved for this so I decided to come out of the garden a little early. Was instantly approved for $1k, and it was a SP (at least). May have come out a bit early since I got a low limit, but I plan on moving some of my $5k from my ED to this card since I will need to meet a $2k minimum spend and this will help out a bit. Some data points, EX on file with a score of 674 at time of app, some lates, but all are 2 years+, 9 inq, and a paid collection. Happy I got the card and not too worried about the limit now as I can move some from my ED (Which is still in Amex "steps") and make this more usable.
Congrats. with some usage and PIF, you should see the limit come up over time.