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Hey Guys,
I'm new to the forum, but have lurked on the forums for a few years now.
Anyway I just got approved for my first Chase Freedom card! This will be my 2nd CC (non-retail) ever. I have had one Quicksilver card ($1600 CL) from CO and one Amazon retail card ($1,300).
Got approved for $6,000 w/ a 744 (Equifax pull) which is the most I've ever gotten before. This is my step in the right direction for more purchasing power.
I probably could have gotten more, but I'm typically honest w/ my income when asked during apps.
What kind of CLIs can I see in the near future after using the card for 6 months. Do they normally increase by about 20% like most CC issuers do based on your CL when it comes to Chase? Capital One has always been stingy and only ever gave me increase of $200-300 per 6 months.
Congrats on your second major credit card. Chase is tougher on cli’s. And when you initiate one it’s a hard pull. But people do get increases, I had an automatic double limit increase. For me putting lots of swipes thru my Chase Amazon VISA seemed to do the trick. I always PIF. Maybe others can add experiences to give an idea. YRMV.
Nice Score...
Is it really a hard pull? I spoke with a rep just now and they said it'd be a soft one, it could be misinfo, though. I plan on putting the CO card down for a little while and swiping this one for everyday purchases (gas, groceries, etc.) and PIF monthly. Especially, now since I want to get the $150 bonus asap.
I'm not too worried for now. $6K to me is what the big boys and gals w/ 15K+ limits is.
I figure if I use this frequently for the next year and apply for another card down the line, I should be able to reach a goal of getting my first $10K+ SL once this thing begins reporting and I get some time with it.
Only time will tell! Thanks for the congrats guys
Very nice approval. Now we have 3 of those cards. Tempting to PC my Chase FU card to the #4 card...
Congrats on the card!!
I have the Freedom & the Slate & both make me call the number to ask for an increase
I got an email once saying I'm approved for an inc & I hit the button & got it. I can't recall which of the 2 cards it was for.
Congratulations on your approval. Decent SL from Chase, but they are not the best when it comes to auto increases