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Auto-LUV is the best!
Congrats on a great CLI with Citi, @SoCalGardener!
@SoCalGardener wrote:When I logged in today, I realized that the amount Citi was showing available for BTs and Flex Loans was a good deal more than it should've been. A little poking around revealed this happy news: they gave me a nice auto-CLI! $4,500 to be precise! With that increase, my Citi Double Cash becomes my highest-limit card.
What's odd is that I didn't receive *anything* telling me about it--no snail mail, no e-mail, no alert, no notice when I logged in, nothing. It's just there, plain as day, under "your credit limit." Yay! This makes my decision about closing one or both of my Cap1 QS cards a little easier.
It wasn't very long ago that I requested, and received, a CLI, so I'm pretty surprised by this.
Nice going
Congrats on your auto CLI!
Congrats on your auto love!
May I ask... did you use the card extensively? Always PIF or carry balancces? Did your stats improve significantly over the interval since your last CLI? Not to diminish the accomplishment in any way, just trying to understand the conditions which might have helped enable your success, so we all can learn and follow in your footsteps, when possible!
Thanks and continued good luck in your journey.
@practical1 wrote:Congrats!
May I ask... did you use the card extensively? Always PIF or carry balancces? Did your stats improve significantly over the interval since your last CLI? Not to diminish the accomplishment in any way, just trying to understand the conditions which might have helped enable your success, so we all can learn and follow in your footsteps, when possible!
Thanks and continued good luck in your journey.
I don't mind at all. Let me think... My scores have actually dropped--as in 65+ points--since last month. They were in the 820 range, now they're in the 760 range. It's due to extensive spending on renovating my bathroom, redoing some things in my bedroom, and buying a new refrigerator.
With Citi, I almost never use it for purchases, per se, but for its oft-offered BTs! However, this past month I did charge two $1,000+ items on it. I don't generally carry a balance unless it's a BT balance.
Anything I've forgotten? ... *brain whirling hard* ... I think that's it!
@SoCalGardener wrote:When I logged in today, I realized that the amount Citi was showing available for BTs and Flex Loans was a good deal more than it should've been. A little poking around revealed this happy news: they gave me a nice auto-CLI! $4,500 to be precise! With that increase, my Citi Double Cash becomes my highest-limit card.
What's odd is that I didn't receive *anything* telling me about it--no snail mail, no e-mail, no alert, no notice when I logged in, nothing. It's just there, plain as day, under "your credit limit." Yay! This makes my decision about closing one or both of my Cap1 QS cards a little easier.
It wasn't very long ago that I requested, and received, a CLI, so I'm pretty surprised by this.
Congratulations. As near as I can tell, an auto CLI from Citi is pretty rare.
Congrats for your CLI!
Congrats on your Citi Auto-CLI