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Instant approval: $16,800 SL
TU: 778
UTI: 4%
AoYa: 2 months
AAoA: 5 years 5 months
New Accounts: 2/6 & 4/12
Income: $166k reported
I had no prior relationship with BMO and went into my local branch this morning to open an account. During the process I was informed that I was pre-approved for three cards. I chose for the Platinum Rewards.
Congrats on your approval and nice SL! Appreciate the DPs.
congrats on the approvals
Congrats @nuohlac Nice Approval!!!
Don't forget it is pronounced "B'MO"
I almost forgot, I hold the Cash Back & Platinum Rewards MC's
Had to apply via phone, as I was out of their GEO area.
They now limit you to (2) cards ..(used to be three)
(Click image to enlarge)
Congrats on a nice approval. Curious what made you go with Platinum rewards vs. cash rewards as most people opt for the cash rewards for streaming etc and cash vs. points. Thanks and enjoy the nice CL.
Congrats on the approval! BMO rocks. I love my BMO card.
Thank you. Honestly, it would be down to personal experiences. I have never enjoyed cash back cards for some reason. Outside of my AOD (I love the auto application of their 3%) I have never really feel in love with cash back cards.
@CreditCuriosity wrote:Congrats on a nice approval. Curious what made you go with Platinum rewards vs. cash rewards as most people opt for the cash rewards for streaming etc and cash vs. points. Thanks and enjoy the nice CL.
Thank you. Honestly, it would be down to personal experiences. I have never enjoyed cash back cards for some reason. Outside of my AOD (I love the auto application of their 3%) I have never really feel in love with cash back cards.
Very nice SL and approval, congratulations on your new BMO MC!
Congratulations on your new approval BMO Harris Platinum Rewards MC!