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Hello friends I was getting ASUS 4K Ultra HD touch screen laptops 4 in total for Approx. 11k so decided to OPEN Citi best buy visa platinum Card.. any way did my research at forums and the highest limit I found on this card was 12.5k in store Approval .. so I pulled the trigger last night @ 1.AM and got the screen choose the card that best fits your needs etc. upon clicking the Visa version the next screen was WE NEED LITTLE MORE INFORMATION (LOL) on that there was reference number +the number to call 24/7...
A nice lady asked the basic information sent me text code and congratulated me for the final Approval with 15k starting limit .in the morning I made call at 1888-574-1301 Best buy credit services told them about the 4 expansive laptops purchase and asked to bump at 30k she put me on hold and went to talk to back end(credit department) after long 15 minutes hold came back with words granted so there it is connected to my BEST Buy account took the screen shot for you guys and .. waiting for the plastic now
Thanks for reading Guys .. pulled Equifax scores 748 Fico 8 7/6
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BB Visa
Congrats on the approval and getting the limit you wanted!
Nice! Sweet SL for Best Best Visa! lol much for retirement.
This is so tempting me too app .... 30k thats alot of laptops Congrats !!!
Do FICO rules, credit scores apply to you? It seems whatever you apply you get approved for a massive limit. Congrats for your approval. Btw, what is your credit score? like 900? lol
lol i would love too no as well what is it about his profile they love so much that gets crazy limits i am puzzled