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Got a cli on my BoA cash rewards card today
I've had this card for 2 and a half years and it's been sitting at an $1,800 limit ever since. Decided to try for an increase today and was approved for a new limit of $5,500. No hard pull on any bureau so looks to have been a soft pull. Hopefully that sticks!
@capnsloya, congratulations!
The SP CLI and new CL will definitely stick. Set your alarm for 91 days from today and you can apply for another CLI. Rinse and repeat every 91 days after you get a CLI. Always ask for a lot, 99,000. They'll counter with how much they want to grant you.
Best wishes😀
congrats on the cli
Congrats on your cli. Here's to more cli's down the road 😊
Is there a ceiling? e.g. the annual income is 80K, will BoA grand you for 50K, 60K even more?
That's a nice bump, congratulations!
Congratulations on your BofA Increase.
Congratulations on your BofA CLI!
Congrats on your BoA CR CLI