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Pumped about this approval for a very specific upcoming purchase. Was looking to get a card offering 0% for purchases = or > 15 months.
(Looking for a new card with 0% - myFICO® Forums - 6654737)
It is the Bank Americard at 0% for 21 months.
SL = $13000
Veyr nice SL and approval, especially with the 21 months 0%, congratulations on your new BoA Americard!
Congrats on your approval and additional 6 months of O% financing! 🎉
Congratulations on your BofA Approval!
Congrats @NoMoreE46 on your approval. BofA has quite a few of their cards with lengthy O% APR and decent balance transfer 0% deals. Glad you could find the card that works for you.
congrats on the approval! nice SL!
Congratulations on your new BofA card!
Congratulations on your BofA approval!
Congrats on the approval and the great SL! 21 months is a pretty generous 0% period.