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I was previously unsuccessful with SP CLI requests for this account, as recently as two months ago. Initially the denial reason was Too Many New Accounts due to my app spree in January 2022. Once I was 1 year past those new accounts, I tried again in early February, but this time I was denied for Insufficient Usage and Too Much Open Credit. I proceeded to put some heavy spend on card in February and March, then tried again earlier this week after the card also reached its 1-year anniversary...
Success! I (finally) obtained my first SP CLI on this account, an increase of $20k which raised it's CL to $57.2k, making it my highest CL across my accounts. I can't say for certain whether it was the heavier spend or reaching the 1-year anniversary or both that tipped the scales in my favor, but in any case I'm extremely pleased (and thankful) with the massive increase given by BofA.
FICO 8 scores: low 800's
AoOA: 19.7 years
AAoA: 7.7 years
New Accounts: 0/6, 1/12, 9/24
INQ (last 12m): 5 EX, 0 EQ, 1 TU
UT: 1-2%
Congrats on your CLI 🎉
Congrats on the nice increase!
Congrats! How much "heavy spend" did you put on the card and what's your income range? Just curious what it takes to have similar results.
Very nice, congratulations on your BoA CLI!
congrats on the cli
Congrats on that massive cli increase. Awesome.
Congrats on your CLI