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Woke up to an interesting email. Cap1 bumped my wife's QS card from 13k to 16k. She just had the 13k auto CLI from 10k start in May this year. This card has carried a high balance on it for a while and just recently in the last month or two has seen some large payments.
Hopefully I didn't shoot myself in the foot. I have a QS as well which used to be a platinum. It had an auto CLI in September from 10k to 13k and carries a high balance as well. I asked for a CLI last month and was denied. I should have looked at when the last CLI was, I didn't realize it was only a few months before and thought it was earlier in the year. I'm assuming Cap1 wants you to wait 6 months? Will I need to wait 6 months from my last CLI or from my last request?
I know Cap1 doesn't hand out CLIs frequently from seeing posts in the forum. Looks to me like you have to buy Auto CLIs from Cap1 by carrying a balance?
Congrats on the bumps!
I hope they treat me that well when my savor one becomes 6 months old in may, if not i plan to buy some voodoo dolls and some shrunken heads and do a cap 1 cli dance.
I hope they treat me that well when my savor one becomes 6 months old in may, if not i plan to buy some voodoo dolls and some shrunken heads and do a cap 1 cli dance.
Hopefully they help you out! I did forget to mention my wife's account is 16 years old
High fives all around! Congrats
Congrats on the increases! Cap1 wants you to wait 6 months between increases. If you request early, you'll be rejected, but that doesn't reset your clock.
Congrats on DW's auto CLI, I'm sure yours is coming right around the corner!
Grats to your DW!!
Congrats to DW on getting Cap1 to loosen purse strings.