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While at work earlier today, I was surprised with a auto CLI of $1k on my Savor One acct. This bumps up my credit limit from $3500 to $4500 which is a nice little win for the day. This comes three months after my last manual CLI request which was denied in Nov23, afterward I moved a lot of my spend to my Fidelity card. Before that I was denied a CL every time I requested one from Jul23-Oct23. The previous CLI from my SL of $500 to $3500 was approved in Apr2023, after the Mar2023 statement date.
-Jul 2023. Transactions -$288.33 // Statement Balance $9.99.
(CLI Denied. There has recently been a change to the credit line on this account; Recent use of this account's existing credit line has been too low). Can agree with the denial.
-Aug 2023. Transactions -$641.99 // Statement Balance $15.24
(CLI Denied.There has recently been a change to the credit line on this account; Recent use of this account's existing credit line has been too low). Can agree with the denial.
-Sep 2023. Transactions -$ 1,419.04// Statement Balance $3.07
(CLI Denied.There has recently been a change to the credit line on this account; Recent use of this account's existing credit line has been too low). I didn't agree with denial, and I spend over 40% of availble CL.
-Oct 2023 .Transactions -$1,736.41 // Statement Balance $349.40
(CLI Denied. Recent use of this account's existing credit line has been too low). I didn't agree with denial, and I spend over 49% of availble CL.
-Nov 2023. Transactions -$1,489.50 // Statement Balance $349.00
(CLI Denied. Recent use of this account's existing credit line has been too low). I didn't agree with denial, and I spend over 42% of availble CL.
-Dec 2023. Transactions -$34.09 // Statement Balance $34.09
-Jan 2024. Transactions- $34.98 // Statement Balance $0
-Feb 2024. Transactions- $46.78 // Statement is still open = $1k CLI!
Nice work and congratulations. They've given me one CLI ($200) in three years. I've stopped using the card.
Congrats on your CLI!
Congratulations on your CLI!
Congrats on your Auto CLI! Capital One is very stingy with their CLI's so I'm glad to see you got an Auto one at that.
good job and congrats!
Congrats on your Cap 1 auto CLI !
congrats on the cli
Cap One gets a bad rap,but they can be a very generous bank.
They grandfathered me in for $0 AF Savor and $59 AF Venture, etc.
Congrats on the auto CLI!