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I applied online for CSP on May 25th and got notice that I would receive their decision in writing. A letter came on Jun 1st indicating that I needed to call to confirm I submitted the application. The call was quick and painless, after a short hold I was told that I was approved with a starting limit of $11,900 APR at 20.74% and should receive welcome kit in 3-5 business days.
I'm in GA and they pulled EX when I submitted the app and EQ when I called, I'm not sure which version they used.
I had 3 accounts opened in the last 24 months, 2 in the past 12.
EX - 748
AAoA - 3 years 1 month
AoOA - 13 years 2 months
utilization - 14%
EQ - 769
AAoA - 8 years 8 months
AoOA - 25 years 4 months
utilization - 14%
If I forgot anything I don't mind answering questions.
If anyone has any thoughts or advice about which other Chase card to get Freedom Unlimited or Freedom Flex I would appreciate it. Along with how long I should wait. I'm at 4/24 now and don't think I'll be going for the trifecta anytime soon. Thanks
Congratulations on your Chase approval!!
When i first applied for the Freedom Unlimited i had wait message and then recieved a secure message to call in to confirm my identity but thats because i had a fraud alert active. Im surprised i got an instant approval, your scores are much higher, congrats.
Congratulations on your new Chase Sapphire Preferred Approval!! Data Points!!
WooHoo!! Congratulations on your CSP Approval!!👏🏼🍾🥂
How long did you wait between apps?
Congratulations on your CSP approval!
Welcome to My Fico Forums and congratulations on your Chase Sapphire Preferred approval, @Buddah! The Sapphires are great cards and I'm sure you will enjoy carrying it.
Chase doesn't like to see excessive credit-seeking. Depending on profile, I would recommend spacing out applications no less than three to maybe even six months or longer. I added several new Chase cards in sequence a couple of years ago. Even with high FICO, thick credit file, high income, I didn't want to push them any harder than three months. With your much younger AAoA and AoOA on EX, combined with your 14% utilization and 4/24 credit-seeking, it probably wouldn't hurt to wait 4-6 months. Also you got a mid-tier APR on your CSP at 20.74% (current range is 16.74% to 23.74%) so that indicates to me that there may still be a little caution on their underwriting.
By the way, just curious but why is there such a large discrepancy between your EX and EQ numbers for AAoA and AoOA?!? That seems quite unusual for such a large variation. Chase pulls EX normally so I would go by those numbers.
I had the Chase Quadfecta (Sapphire Reserve, original Freedom, Freedom Unlimited, and INK Cash.) I personally recommend the Freedom Unlimited over the Freedom Flex in the order of application. While 5% in-category sounds awesome, it's capped at no more than $6K annual spend. I think having cards that earn a good flat-rate, without caps or categories, is more important. I believe many consumers underestimate how many purchases they have which won't fit into a neat limited-category box. I have a lot of cards, but I found myself not using the Freedom. I didn't like managing the rotating categories and even with the possible high earnings (in-theory), I realized that my actual usage patterns of the card weren't reaping as much additional gain as were possible. Chase advised me that if I didn't use it by a certain date that they would close it. I decided to close it proactively and roll my credit limit over to my Sapphire Reserve. But I prefer simplicity and I'm in the process of down-sizing some of my cards. If you want to diversify between lenders (meaning not too many cards with one single bank), I think a Sapphire card with a Freedom Unlimited is a great compromise.
Congrats on your Chase Sapphire Preferred approval