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Pulled the trigger yesterday on a Citi Costco card, Instant approval with a $9000 SL. No prior relationship with Citi. Got a $20 cash card at costco for opening a membership and getting a $60 cash card through the mail for applying for CC at the same time in store.
Also applied for a Chase Amazon Prime VS. Instant approval with a $8500 SL and a $70 gift card on Amazon. Might close my CSP and just split the CL between the Freedom and the Amazon card
Not too bad I guess.....
EDIT: I hit the CLI button on the citi costco card todat. Got a CLI from $9k to $14k
Congratulations on getting both cards!
Congrats. Instead of closing the CSP, why not PC it to the Freedom Unlimited?
@DeeBee78 wrote:Congrats. Instead of closing the CSP, why not PC it to the Freedom Unlimited?
Good advice, however I am trying to thin out the heard. I would have no use for the FU because I already have a 1.5% cap1 quicksilver.. I transfered the CSP CL to the amazon and the FU.
Requested a CLI on the citi costco card today. Limit raised from 9k to 14k. A sub 10k limit was bugging me. Had to do it
@irunfromcredit wrote:
Congrats on both cards. I was initially approved for $9k for my Costco and also requested an increase when I rec’d the card and was also approved to $14k!!! Love this card!!!!!!
Did you get hit with a HP or SP?