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@Kixforpa wrote:
Should he try to request a CLI as soon as the card arrives?
Yes, once he sets up his online acct. do the cli request. It should be a sp but read first and make sure the verbiage doesn't imply pulling his cr before submitting. GL!
Grats on getting the card
Congrats to him!
Congratulations! and definitely ask for a higher CL I'm not certain if it will be a hard or soft pull on your credit report. Good Luck!
@Kixforpa wrote:
My DH received the Pre-approval pop-up via SCT for VS and then got a verification message. We literally jut got the letter after 8 days called in for verification and the rep comes back on the line saying Congratulations! I was able to verify you and you now have a VS with a $150.00 limit! We were expecting at least $300-500. What do you guys think? Should he try to request a CLI as soon as the card arrives?
For me, VS was 6 month's before first increase. After the first one I got multiple every 31 days, until they stopped this year at $4,200 (don't really need more I suppose). If I remember correctly, my original limit was $175.
@GApeachy wrote:
@Kixforpa wrote:
Should he try to request a CLI as soon as the card arrives?Yes, once he sets up his online acct. do the cli request. It should be a sp but read first and make sure the verbiage doesn't imply pulling his cr before submitting. GL!
Agreed. Try this option first @Kixforpa.
I mean, it's great that the card was approved, but unless they run some sales or promotions in-store (or online), that card would be maxed! The last time I stepped into one of their stores with a family member I was like holy cow...$$$ just for a bra? Is it embroidered in gold? 😜😳
That's great! Congratulations to DH on his approval!