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A credit rebuilder here, went south on student loans in a very stupid way, I have been rehabbing for 2 1/2 years with on-time payments and have a few collections from 4 years ago on my account. I have all my card details in my signature.
June 2018 - EX: 652 EQ: 621: TU: 620
In my rebuilding process I obtained a Credit One Card 11 months ago just to have a $300 unsecured credit limit to help with utilization. Was approved, paid the bull**bleep** fee and some of the bull**bleep** interest on some minor, minor purchases. Never have spent more than $40 on this card and always kept a 0 balance. Just got an email after my June statement cut that I got a CLI of $200 to make it a $500 unsecured card.
I'm only hanging on to this card to help my over all utilization to keep it insanely low. I know it's a crummy card, but whatever, for right now, it is working for me to have it on my profile to help my limits increase. And also, I just had some other recent good things happen in my credit rebuilding process , I Was just recently approved for an AMEX Green (Which has become my sole spending card basically) back in April, approved for a Cap One QS1 in May and at the same time, my Cap One Secured Card $200 SL went unsecured and increased to a $500 SL.
So that's two cards opened in the past two months (AMEX Green & Cap One QS1). Had my Cap One Secured card go unsecured w/ CLI to $500 and now have had my Credit One card CLI to $500.
I want to cancel this card ASAP, but for right now it's helping me grow and keep my utilziation rates insanely low. Also with two cards in two months opened, after gardening for some 8 months, I am back in the garden for a while now so that's another reason I don't want to cancel this card ASAP. Will not touch this card other than a $3 iced coffee to keep it active. It's been a long, long road just to get HERE and I know there are greener pastures ahead. I was at the bottom of the barrel with a 404 Vantage Score 2/12 years ago. But we're getting there
P.S. I chuckle hard at the message in the email...."Buy yourself something extra" --
No thanks Credit One, only thing you're buying is some temporary space on my credit report to help my on time payments and low utilization!!!
Congrats on CLI
I know the feeling of wanting to cancel this card. I started with one of these also....but we gotta do what we gotta do...Congrats on your increase....keep on truckin'........