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Went for CLI and got 2 day message. Currently at 49k and always got instant approval. Dec 8 would be 6 mo after the last CLI.
^^^^^^this. And/or you may get the Form 4506-T to verify your income. Disco will do it at times. One guy had to fill one out on a secured $500 card recently. Keep us updated. Good Luck!
@Anonymous wrote:Went for CLI and got 2 day message. Currently at 49k and always got instant approval. Dec 8 would be 6 mo after the last CLI.
When that happened to Me, I got a call a few questions and a $2800 CLI.
Not saying that's what you will get.
@Anonymous wrote:
Just checked my account and got a CLI of 4500! All my past clis were 5k but I'm happy because I was actually expecting a denial.
Congrats, seen this after I posted.
Congrats on the CLI!