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My first HP in over 2 years. I received a 5-7 day msg when I app'd earlier this morning. @shoegal in this community advised me to call up Disco and see if they needed any info because I have a fraud alert on EQ. Turns out they only pulled EX and they had already approved me before I called in, according to the specialist I was transferred to. Card will be here in about 5 days. Nothing needed to be verified as Disco didn't even know about the EQ FA.
SL: $9,500
My DP's
• EX score: 733
• 12/16 F8 scores: TU 740 | EX 733 | EQ 666
• $16.5k revolving balances
• 28.9% reported overall util
• AAOA 3 yrs 5 months
• $11k Car loan 74.55% paid off ($2800 left)
• 0 Inq's in over 2 years (across 3B)
This account puts me in the six figure aggregate CL club. Yay! The specialist I spoke with said a CLI would be possible after 3 months and may be a SP. Thank you @shoegal, I wasn't going to app for anything else until I sorted this out. Next on my wish list: a Chase card, and maybe get back to the garden for a year or two.
Congrats on your approval and very nice SL !!!
@Anonymous wrote:Congrats on your approval and very nice SL !!!
Omg trololo thank you thank you best gify ever!
Congratulations Nerd!!! Youve been busy lately!!! Looking forward to your next approval!!!! Good luck!!
I’m glad it was an approval. Congrats!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Congrats on the Discover Approval and great SL!!!
Bumping this post one last time to share a DP I discovered just now,
12/16/2018 - Disco HP'd EX when I app'd
12/18/2018 - Disco SP'd EQ and coded it AR (account review)
This is my first Disco acct. Thought I'd share.