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Just an update on my Dscover IT that I wanted to share. Today was day 91 since opening the card and I had already recieved an auto cli of $500 on day 83.
Hit the luv button today and was approved for $900 total increase on the spot. It looks like Discover is in a generous mood again and that makes perfect timing for me.
Will mark my calender 31 days out and try again. Thanks for all the support and valued information this forum provides.
Nice job!
I kept a balance on my new Discover It card for a few months - typically kept it around 50% since it was during the 0% intro promo period. With a starting CL of $1500, I saw an auto-CLI of $600 at 6 months and another near 12 months for $550. About a month later I paid the balance down to 5% and gave the luv button a try. It gave me an increase of $3950!
I also requested for an APR reduction, since my next statement starts the normal interest rate and was approved for a 4.75% reduction. So give that a try once you're closer to the 6 month period and see what they say.
@pace_it wrote:Nice job!
I kept a balance on my new Discover It card for a few months - typically kept it around 50% since it was during the 0% intro promo period. With a starting CL of $1500, I saw an auto-CLI of $600 at 6 months and another near 12 months for $550. About a month later I paid the balance down to 5% and gave the luv button a try. It gave me an increase of $3950!
I also requested for an APR reduction, since my next statement starts the normal interest rate and was approved for a 4.75% reduction. So give that a try once you're closer to the 6 month period and see what they say.
Thanks pace_it!
I will defenetily keep that in mind moving forward. I am so glad I apped and was approved for this card as it along with my Citi DC will be my everyday revolvers.
To the OP... if your SL was $1200 and you ran your card up close to the limit but paid down a significant amount perhaps whoever reviewed your account thought that your SL was a bit too low and could potentially held back your spend, thus throwing you that $500. Just a theory here. Regardless of the "reason" congratulations for sure.
my SL is 800 and im still at 800 after 90 days. denied each time for a CLI.
cant wait for it to be my turn.