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Hi everyone,
3 weeks ago the prequal showed 10k. I hesitated to app because I'm scared of apping due to previous chapter 13 filed Jan 2015/discharged in July 2020.
I pulled the trigger yesterday, prequal showed 5900, decided I better act now.
Why did I app- need to complete some dental work 6K ( waiting since 2016) and pay BIGBROTHER 6K (installment -plan) , I was hoping the 10k was still showing.
Approved 5900 0% for 12
EX FICO before app 766 after 754
1 inquiry in the past year1 Mortgage 2013
1 CC Mercury July 2021 439/2100
1 Personal Loan Credit Union Jan 2021 1202/2500
Congratulations @nova1975 for your FNBO Card Approval. It is never too late. From what I understand FNBO is very good and generous with cli's. I am sure you'll reach your desired credit limit in the next few months.
That's great!! Congratulations on your FNBO Approvals!! 🥂🎉🍾
Congratulations on your FNBO Card Approval!!
Congratulations on your FNBO approval!!
Grats on your FNBO approval
The good news is their cards can move up quickly, after your 4th statement cuts give em a call and ask if a SP CLI is waiting, do this every 4-6 months and soon you have a great CL.
Congratulations enjoy your new fnbo card.
Congratulations on your FNBO approval!
Grats on the approval. My prequal amount dropped substantially as well. My scores are higher now and balances lower so I think it's not about me.
Congratulations on your FNBO approval!