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So recently if you seen my post from about 2 weeks or so ago, you will know I took a hard pull for a best buy visa CLI. At the time I was stupid and applied when I was at $1800 of my $2000 limit. When I applied they told me to call in, so I did. They said they could approve me for $500, I said okay can it be higher? The rep said no that is the most I could get, so I took it.
Fast forward to 5 days ago I ended up paying off the balance in full. I went to the website and applied for another CLI of 10k to match my NFCU Flagship card, wishful thinking. It didn't say I was denied, it said I had to call in. I called and they connected me to some department called "big ticket". I explained that I wanted a higher limit for a purchase, because I figured that is what they wanted to hear. They put me on hold and came back and said that I wasn't approved. I was kind of upset, but figured it make since because they just gave me $500 a few days ago. So then today, I started thinking, why would they have me call in, usually it would be an instant denial? So I went back to the site and applied again, this time asking for only an $1500 increase to $4000......INSTANT APPROVAL!!!! So i guess, they wanted to give me an increase because I paid it off, but $10k was too much to ask for. It wasn't anymore hard pulls either I guess because they had already pulled my report 2 weeks ago?
So just to give a timeline, Applied and approved for the card Late July, with a SL of $2000, applied for a CLI 2 weeks ago and approved for $500 increase to $2500, applied for increase from $2500 to $10k 5 days ago and denied, Today applied for increase from $2500 to $4000, instant approval.
I know sure if this is a YMMV situation but if you apply for a CLI and you are told to call in, and they deny you, you might want to consider going back and applying for a lower CLI than what you asked for. That way you don't take a hard pull for nothing.
Congrats on your CLI !!!!
Congratulations on your increase!!!!
Total CL: $321.7k | UTL: 2% | AAoA: 7.0yrs | Baddies: 0 | Other: Lease, Loan, *No Mortgage, All Inq's from Jun '20 Car Shopping |
Wow this is great! And here I thought I had to wait until the 6 month mark to ask for a CLI on my BB card.
I went for the Best Buy CLI. My credit reports are all blocked. They gave me a measly $900 increase w/o a pull.