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Congratulations! Macy's will usually tell you when you request a CLI if it is going to be a HP, so you can cancel it.
perfect thanks!
One the CLI train with Macy's started it hasn't stopped (yet). I've had my card for a few years and they were one of the few to give me credit while rebuilding. Within the last few months it finally went from my miniscule $100 starting line to $3,200 as of today. All SP increases from their website.
I have a Macy's card with the Amex number on it. When I click on my request credit line increase button in my on line account - it asks for information and then AFTER you click on submit it asks me to confirm the request and give them permission to pull my credit. In my case a HP is not worth it right now. So I hit cancel instead of submit. Maybe the store only card is different?
Ahhh, that's the difference. I have the store card version that is through DSNB.
Congrats on your CLI !!!! often did you request a CLI?
@Creditcollector Great info thanks!!!