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Congrats on your Langley increase 👍🏼👍🏼
@AverageJoesCredit wrote:
@UH_HUH wrote:So,this one was a ba** breaker
Apped for an increase on my Visa Select Card.
Put in the card number and hit the button.
They have given me an auto increase on my other card
at Thanksgiving.
Instant approval for 6.8 K increase
Said I would get a call within 24 hours.
That turned into 9 days.
Finally a very pleasent lady called me and,
after some info questions, said I was approved for the CLI.
Checked the next day and the 6,800 replaced my larger CL
with this 6.8 K one.
Called up pi**ed as heck..they were very sorry and said we will
get that CLI into your account ASAP.
That was four days ago. I think they are just down on
staff since the ones I got were coughing alot.
So when I added up my total limits given me with this CLI
I have 30K exposure with Langley now.
I have never...and I think this is important,
have never used any of my LFCU cards.
Like many CU's I belong to...if they like you
it doesn't matter. Not suggesting this in anyway though.
Best pic I can post with out waiting any longer for them to update.
Hope everyone is well!!!
Special Shout Out to @AverageJoesCredit
for turning me on to this CU in the first place
Thanks @UH_HUH for the shout out lol. Ive come to understand Langley doesnt really like my low income. I was rejected for anything i apply for with them 2nd card, cli, or loan. They give the weirdest limit, though im happy they caught my fraud, i wasnt happy how long it takes to put ones account back in order, i still havent activated my replacement card lol. Plus their website is really boring.
Glad to see they still gave you increases even with no usage.
Langley has been pre-approving a card for me ever since I joined for the free Equifax fico 08. Pre-approved for 12,500 CL, but since it is just a low interest card with less rewards, I knew it would be a SD card for me, as I always PIF. Low interest cards just do not benefit me since I never carry a balance. I never have even requested a decrease in any interest rates on any of my cards. It is all 0% if payed in full.
@Reviewers wrote:Congrats on another CLI 🥳
Thank you for posting
Appreciate that.
Yeah I never get tired of CLI's 😉
Hope you have a wonderful day,
@CreditAggie wrote:Congratulations on your Langley CLI!
Thank you again
Always a please reading your posts 😀
Have a great day!!!!
@CreditMagic7 wrote:Smooth increase @UH_HUH Congratulations on the Langley CU tap out CLI!
Thank you
Always appreciate your posts. I am not blessed
with your credit knowledge so I just app alot 😉
Have a wonderful day
my friend,
Modesty is why so
many people like and
appreciate you
You are a good man.
These Langley Apps are
a direct byproduct of your kindness and knowledge.
And the 300K you got in Credit ain't too shabby
at all LOL!!!!
Thanks again buddy
@UH_HUH wrote:Modesty is why so
many people like and
appreciate you
You are a good man.
These Langley Apps are
a direct byproduct of your kindness and knowledge.
And the 300K you got in Credit ain't too shabby
at all LOL!!!!
Thanks again buddy
Thank you @UH_HUH . Credit has been a crazy road to travel but im glad to have travelled it with my Fico friends. Not many people apply for credit thinking cant wait to share with others who will take joy or despair like me
. Its Sunday, home making some coffee so i think its time to share my latest adventure😊
How sensitive are they to new accounts in last year and to inquiries?