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Today is 181 days from when I applied for this card, so it became elgible for its first CLI.
Filled out the form in the mobile app, and instant approval for $1,000, soft pull.
New CL is $2,000. Think its a reasonable CL as I only use it for dining, pretty cool.
Largest balance I have put on it is about $400.
They doubled your limit. I'd say that's great. Congratulations!🎊🎊
Congrats on the CLI! Doubling the CL is pretty solid!
Congratulations on your CLI!!
Congratulations on your Altitude Go 2X CLI!
Congrats! on your US Bank CLI😃 I Finally Got Approved on a Biz Card for 3k and Declined for Altitude Connect, Total 3 Hard Pulls, After being with them for 10 Years! Good Job and Patience!
Congrats on your USB Altitude Go CLI 👍🏼
Congrats on your US Bank Go Soft Pull CLI.
Congratulations enjoy your US bank credit card, it is a nice card.