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AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?

Frequent Contributor

AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?

I have had the AMEX EDP since 2016, and after earning and spending MR points, I have about 130K MR points leftover.  It has been my main driver, mainly for the 50% bonus after 30 transactions, which make this card essentially a "4.5% groceries, 3% gas, 1.5% everything else" card earning MR points.


I have been contemplating though, to downgrade this card to the regular ED, just to keep the MR points, and put my spend on my other cards to grow them, in addition to possibly devoting more towards earning Chase UR points with my CSP.


Chase CSP: 24.5K CL




The BCE started as a 1K SL card at the start of my rebuild.  AMEX was the first lender that gave me a chance with a non-secured credit card back in 2016.  Then amazingly, Chase approved me for the CSP with a 16K SL shortly after, which I could never have dreamed of.  Even though Chase closed my Freedom card for lack of use, I didn't really blame them for it, as I was ignorning it in favor of the EDP.


Now though, I feel that Chase's transfer partners have been easier to work with, in terms of actually taking advantage of the redeemed points.  So I am starting to think that perhaps I should app for both brands of the Freedom cards, one card at a time each year, and focus more on earning the UR points.


But since I still have quite a bit of leftover MR points, I would still be able to keep them by downgrading to the regular ED card while avoiding the $95 AF.  The concern is: how trigger happy AMEX can be with CLD with reduced usage of the card, I wonder?  Because once the EDP gets downgraded to the ED, I will most likely not be using it all that much, as the ED's earning structure is just not that great and there are better alternatives.  However, having a No-AF credit card like ED with 20.5K CL while seldomly putting small charges once in a few months may give AMEX the cause to CLD it?  I am actually surprised that my BCE hasn't seen a CLD because I really have not been spending on that card AT ALL.  My guess is that my spending on the EDP,  as well as it being a $95 AF card kept them from initiating CLD.


Am I overly too concerned for nothing or is this a valid concern?


I like EDP and the reward earning structure.  But what good are those MR points if the transfer partners haven't been all that great for me lately, I wonder?


For all the people who have the No-AF ED and BCE.... how do you manage them?  How much and how often do you spend on them?  Do you have them SD'ed, and if so, why?

Message 1 of 22
Epic Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?

@Absolution16 wrote:



For all the people who have the No-AF ED and BCE.... how do you manage them?  How much and how often do you spend on them?  Do you have them SD'ed, and if so, why?

I have the BCE, ED (and OBC).   I have put no spend on the ED for ages, and only recently put a little spend (< $100) on BCE once they added online purchases as a category.   They have been left alone.  The OBC had its limit halved after non-use for a very long time.


Just thinking, interesting DP:   my wife has her own unused OBC, and an unused some type of old Gold charge ($95 AF).  Her OBC was also halved, despite having an AF on another card.

Message 2 of 22
Super Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?

I churn BCE/BCP and ED/EDP upgrades, but with Gold (4x supermarkets) and Business Platinum (~1.5 cpp MR point value floor towards Delta) I rarely use either outside of meeting minimum spen or taking advantage of some offer.


No CLDs yet but I wouldn't really care if I got one.

Personal spend: Amex Gold, Amex Schwab Plat., BofA PR+CCR(x2), Costco
Business use: Amex Bus. Plat., BBP, Lowes Amex AU, CFU AU
Perks: Delta Plat., United Explorer, IHG49, Hyatt, "Old SPG"
Mostly SD: Freedom Flex, Freedom, Arrival
Upgrade/Downgrade games: ED, BCE
SUB chasing: AA Platinum Select
Message 3 of 22
Mega Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?

@Absolution16 wrote:

I have had the AMEX EDP since 2016, and after earning and spending MR points, I have about 130K MR points leftover.  It has been my main driver, mainly for the 50% bonus after 30 transactions, which make this card essentially a "4.5% groceries, 3% gas, 1.5% everything else" card earning MR points.


I have been contemplating though, to downgrade this card to the regular ED, just to keep the MR points, and put my spend on my other cards to grow them, in addition to possibly devoting more towards earning Chase UR points with my CSP.


Chase CSP: 24.5K CL




The BCE started as a 1K SL card at the start of my rebuild.  AMEX was the first lender that gave me a chance with a non-secured credit card back in 2016.  Then amazingly, Chase approved me for the CSP with a 16K SL shortly after, which I could never have dreamed of.  Even though Chase closed my Freedom card for lack of use, I didn't really blame them for it, as I was ignorning it in favor of the EDP.


Now though, I feel that Chase's transfer partners have been easier to work with, in terms of actually taking advantage of the redeemed points.  So I am starting to think that perhaps I should app for both brands of the Freedom cards, one card at a time each year, and focus more on earning the UR points.


But since I still have quite a bit of leftover MR points, I would still be able to keep them by downgrading to the regular ED card while avoiding the $95 AF.  The concern is: how trigger happy AMEX can be with CLD with reduced usage of the card, I wonder?  Because once the EDP gets downgraded to the ED, I will most likely not be using it all that much, as the ED's earning structure is just not that great and there are better alternatives.  However, having a No-AF credit card like ED with 20.5K CL while seldomly putting small charges once in a few months may give AMEX the cause to CLD it?  I am actually surprised that my BCE hasn't seen a CLD because I really have not been spending on that card AT ALL.  My guess is that my spending on the EDP,  as well as it being a $95 AF card kept them from initiating CLD.


Am I overly too concerned for nothing or is this a valid concern?


I like EDP and the reward earning structure.  But what good are those MR points if the transfer partners haven't been all that great for me lately, I wonder?


For all the people who have the No-AF ED and BCE.... how do you manage them?  How much and how often do you spend on them?  Do you have them SD'ed, and if so, why?

I don't know Amex's practices concerning modestly used accounts, but (a) I personally would not take a chance on losing those MR points by an account closure and (b) I think lenders are less likely to take AA on an account with an annual fee. If I were you I would make it my business to use up those points, even if they're not as valuable as you had hoped.

Total revolving limits 586020 (520820 reporting) FICO 8: EQ 706 TU 701 EX 692

Message 4 of 22
Established Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?

I've been doing the ED/EDP upgrade/downgrade cycling for a few years.  The account always has activity every month, but usually less than $100 worth.  The only times Amex reduced my credit limit were when I applied for new cards and they felt the need to reallocate some $$$ to open the new accounts with usable limits.


I should also point out that I've had about a dozen different Amex cards over the past 20 years (some with annual fees and some without), so Amex is very familiar with my spending patterns.  They know from first hand experience that, while I might not put much spend on one of my cards, I could put much heavier spend on one of the other cards at any moment.  

Feb 2025 Scorecard: Clean, Thick, Mature, New Revolver
Inquiries (n/12, n/24):
AAoA: 11 yrs | AoORA: 37 yrs | AoYRA: less than 1 yr | New Accounts: 1/6, 2/12, 3/24 | Util: 1% | DTI: 1%
Message 5 of 22
Frequent Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?



Could it be due to the fact that OBC is a long-time discontinued product?  Otherwise, it gives me pause to be careful with not putting enough spend regularly.

Message 6 of 22
Frequent Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?



How does this churning of downgrade/upgrade cycle work exactly?  My understanding was that, with Amex, any SUB was 1-time thing for life.  Assuming one has already gotten both versions and then upgrading later, does AMEX offer again bonus with minimum spend requirement like a SUB?

Message 7 of 22
Frequent Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?



I indeed do value those MR points.  I will definitely have to make sure to use them up and not risk losing them completely.  I was just feeling that devoting to 2 different points ecosystems may not be as efficient as concentrating on just 1.  Not that I plan to put all my eggs into 1 basket in terms of FIs, but maybe only in regards to points.  The rest that I do business with can be all cashback cards, and that's what I prefer.


My hunch was also the same as yours in terms of less likelihood of AA with AF cards than those without.  My EDP has fairly high CL, and once it PCes to a No-AF ED, it will surely become a subpar card as a rewards card, which in turn, may lead me to not use it very often, possibly making it a prime target for a CLD/AA.

Message 8 of 22
Frequent Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?



I certainly have no use for other AMEX cards, so no worries on further applications.  At least they allow you to move your CL between the same family of cards, so that is a minor relief.


It is awesome that you have such an established relationship with AMEX, enough to let them be aware of your spending pattern, even if they migh incur a drastic change once in a while.  I wish I had such established relationship... that is, unless I am unaware I even have one.


Message 9 of 22
Established Contributor

Re: AMEX ED vs EDP: Downgrade? CLD?

@Absolution16 wrote:



How does this churning of downgrade/upgrade cycle work exactly?  My understanding was that, with Amex, any SUB was 1-time thing for life.  Assuming one has already gotten both versions and then upgrading later, does AMEX offer again bonus with minimum spend requirement like a SUB?

A SUB (sign up bonus) is treated differently than upgrade bonuses.  When we talk about Amex upgrade/downgrade games, we are generally referring to targeted offers.  I received most of my offers via email.  There was one other time where the upgrade was offered when I logged into my online account.

Feb 2025 Scorecard: Clean, Thick, Mature, New Revolver
Inquiries (n/12, n/24):
AAoA: 11 yrs | AoORA: 37 yrs | AoYRA: less than 1 yr | New Accounts: 1/6, 2/12, 3/24 | Util: 1% | DTI: 1%
Message 10 of 22
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