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I burned them for about 5k roughly ten years ago. They were a PITA and I was in dire straits, so figured I should stick it to em. but they were the very first card I reconned my way into higher limits. Travelocity Amex 7700!
Trust me, they made all their money back and then some, but I've not seen even anecdotally that they allow people back in, ever.
has anyone reading this EVER defaulted and had a CO with a Barclay's card and then got back in with them 5-10 yrs later or is it a one and done?
I cant believe they still have a Barnes and nobles card with a 0% for 15 months. lol
Nope they basically blacklist for life
Barnes and Noble won't be in business in two years. I do not know the answer to your question but I'm intensely curious as to why anyone would want a Barclay's card.
I am not sure about CO's however if they are included in a BK it is always been game over. Getting behind and taking longer to pay is not really as big of a issue however the few cases of people getting back in after that Barclays has always kept on a very short leash. Think no CLi's and very limited options.
In the past they have had some really excellent cards (e.g. the late Sallie Mae, uber) but certainly not up the moment. I recently closed my unused View, tired of waiting for something to PC to1
@Pppoolboy wrote:Barnes and Noble won't be in business in two years. I do not know the answer to your question but I'm intensely curious as to why anyone would want a Barclay's card.
Do you really want to get back in with them? For what? Plenty of other issuers with better. Next!
@Pppoolboy wrote:I do not know the answer to your question but I'm intensely curious as to why anyone would want a Barclay's card.
As @longtimelurker posted, they have had a few really nice cards in the past.
I had two "Sallie Mae's" cards and miss the easy rewards.
As an issuer, never had any issue with Barclays.
Good CL increases, nice web portal, fast rewards, nice customer service, etc.
If they had a card with excellent rewards, I would not hesitate to get another card from them
In my opinion they were much better than my "Amex" experience.
American Airlines dumping Barclays is significant. Ever since Barclays came in through the back door with the USAirways merger, AA and Barclays have been joined at the hip. Even with the legacy AA relationship with Citi, there was no question for years who was closer to AA.
As to getting back in with Barclays for a cobranded card after a BK...nope. The only thing they will do for you is provide you with a store card.
I had the Travelocity Amex and the Barclay Arrival Card WEMC card right when WEMC was becoming a thing.
They treated me well, and I always got good CLs. I think my Arrival was 12,700 or 20,700. Something like that. Even when they did CLD one time bc they thought someone was frauding my account, they were of great assistance and with one call, they raised it right back up and that was that. I always pif except there at the end when they pretty much would not work with me on a balance I simply had no resources to resolve.
never IIB, just a CO. and oddly enough that CO never appeared on my CR.