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Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

Valued Contributor

Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

This morning work up to couple alerts that I had change in my credit limits from couple of my momonitoring services that I had credit limit decrease. After checking all of my accounts came cross barclay's which decrease credit limit on my Ring mastercard from 8K to odd limit of 3019 dollars. What does fico  guy do I called barclay's bank and ask if I could speak to some one about my credit limit being decrease and how could get it increase to the original limit. I connected to the credit department, I was told the reason was not enough use of limit in the past couple of years. After speaking to nice lady on phone from the credit department she took my income and said ther will be no hard pull and they will increase limit back to original limit or to higher limit I ask if you could rase it total of 10K that would be great, I also said I have view mastercard with you guys with 12K limit she said I see that. she ask me why I don't use the card much may be once year. I told here the truth the intrest rate for balance is to high it is 19.8% I open this card back 2017 low rate, the has no cash back bonus or any thing else. She said why do you want increase just because It will hurt my fico and my ego, here answer thank you for be honest let me work on this for you check your account in 48. I don't like barclay's bank but I must say they are better then capital one some ways you can speak to some not computer, we support banks that rely and use humans instead of AI and computers I will post again when cl changes if they don't change cl I will most likly close account all together.

Valued Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

@firefox100 wrote:

This morning work up to couple alerts that I had change in my credit limits from couple of my momonitoring services that I had credit limit decrease. After checking all of my accounts came cross barclay's which decrease credit limit on my Ring mastercard from 8K to odd limit of 3019 dollars. What does fico  guy do I called barclay's bank and ask if I could speak to some one about my credit limit being decrease and how could get it increase to the original limit. I connected to the credit department, I was told the reason was not enough use of limit in the past couple of years. After speaking to nice lady on phone from the credit department she took my income and said ther will be no hard pull and they will increase limit back to original limit or to higher limit I ask if you could rase it total of 10K that would be great, I also said I have view mastercard with you guys with 12K limit she said I see that. she ask me why I don't use the card much may be once year. I told here the truth the intrest rate for balance is to high it is 19.8% I open this card back 2017 low rate, the has no cash back bonus or any thing else. She said why do you want increase just because It will hurt my fico and my ego, here answer thank you for be honest let me work on this for you check your account in 48. I don't like barclay's bank but I must say they are better then capital one some ways you can speak to some not computer, we support banks that rely and use humans instead of AI and computers I will post again when cl changes if they don't change cl I will most likly close account all together.

Er. Was this dicated to an AI in a stream-of-consciousness? Break this up a bit for better readability. Smiley Happy


I was actually intrigued because I tried to get the Ring card right at the beginning of cleaning up my credit profile, and Barclay's rejected me, then YOINKED the card from being able to be applied for *sobs in cardless*.

Authorized User -
Biz - Sock Drawer'd -
Message 2 of 13
Valued Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

Punctuation is virtuous.

AMEX 30k & EveryDay 11.5K
Discover 27K
Wells Fargo 23k
Chase Amazon 23.5k
US Bank Cash+ 20K
Cash+#2 14.4K
Citi Simplicity 13.6K
Loan 8K -> 3.2k
Message 3 of 13
Valued Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

Good morning I am happily  to report that Barclay's bank has increase credit limit on my Ring mastercard to 10K after cutting limit from 8K to odd amount of 3019 dollars. This shows you should speak up when things are done to you that you don't like you never know what can happen, now my total cl is 32.4K.


Several years ago when came on this board I told that I broke the rules about flaming when I talking about Gs bank how they wher handling the new Apple card and now look what is happening to Gs they want to get out of the creditcard business and Apple is breaking up with GS bank. We should support banks and compines that listen to us and not support compines that do listen, that is why I don't like Cpital one try this with capital one barclay's I was able to get decrease undone and another 2K on top  at same time, I will put some spend on my view mastercard.

Message 4 of 13
Valued Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

Correction, my total cl now is 320.4K Thank you cold fusion.

Message 5 of 13
Frequent Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

My only comment is that back in time, Barlay Bank did offer some good core cards. Several of us on the MF had them. Yes, I even had the MC Ring. Then it seemed Barclay drifted to more proprietary cards (not core) and I lost the scent (closed them all).


Spend pattern never really drifted to the Ring as I did not get on board soon enough and I had other lower interest cards and I drifted.


Oh yeah, I did appreciate that Barclays gave me auto CLIs (like $4,000 at a time) and I could actually speak with real people! They did not read me a script! Again, that was back a few years.

Message 6 of 13
Valued Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

You are right you can speak to real people at Barclays and they don't read script, I was able to get the Decrease overturn and another 2K on top that. another example is back in June over holiday weekend open the WF attune mastercard with starting limit of 4K, Called Wf on the next business day and was connected to the credit department and got credit limit increase to total of 10K only with soft pull and only one hard pull for the new account. It pay's to try a recon. Also try that with banks who use AI and computers for every thing, like Capital one I am not beating dead horse, what I am saying we stand up as consumers, also do that in other areas of life not going to say any more in that.

Message 7 of 13
Valued Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

@firefox100 wrote:

You are right; you can speak to real people at Barclays and they don't read a script. I was able to get the dDecrease overturned, and another 2K on top of that.


Aanother example is back in June, over the holiday weekend, I opened the WF Aattune Mmastercard with a starting limit of 4K. I cCalled WFf on the next business day and was connected to the credit department, and got the credit limit increased to total of 10K only with only a soft pull (in addition to the and only one hard pull for the new account.)


It pay's to try a recon.


Also Ttry that with banks who use AI and computers for everything, like Capital Oone! I am not beating a dead horse; what I am saying is we need to stand up as consumers., We should also do that in other areas of life (not going to say any more oin that... )


Authorized User -
Biz - Sock Drawer'd -
Message 8 of 13
Epic Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

@firefox100 wrote:

We should support banks and compines that listen to us and not support compines that do[n't] listen, 

We can do that as individuals (and probably many do) but there is no clear agreement on what these banks are in general.  In your post, you are being very positive about Barclays, a bank that many here would tell you to avoid.   There's even a current thread

Goldman is selling GM card to Barclays  .....UGGH....


which tells its own story.   So a bank may be good to you (today), be horrible to other today, and be bad to you tomorrow.  Also depends on what CSR you happen to have.

Message 9 of 13
Valued Contributor

Re: Barclay's ring mastercard credit line decrease.

I am not a big supporter of Barclay's what I was saing is that I like barclay's over Capital one because I was able to speak to somean resolve the issue in my favor, I may have same problem in year or so because I am not going to put lot of spend on the Ring Mastercard, I like banks like US bank and Wells fargo. I don't like banks where you can't speak to any one about your limits, another bank that comes to mind is Citi it is all Ai driven.

Message 10 of 13
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