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BoA blacklisted me when it wasn't my fault. In 2013, BoA charged me for an item that I did not purchase. I followed the proper proceedures and wrote to them. Nothing. I continued to use the CC and to pay. No reversal of the charge. I stopped paying for a month and wrote to BoA again. Nothing. After two months I had even paid some of the wrongful charge. I wrote to BoA and sent it return receipt. This time they responded. They took off the charge and removed MOST of the interest, but not all. BoA reported me late twice. I did the math and actually when one considers that I paid partially for something I didn't have I was not late IF BoA had credited my account when I wrote the first time. BoA closed the account. That was in 2013. Now it's 2018. My FICO scores range from 760 to over 800. No pre-qualified offers from BoA. There is no way off of their blacklist!
****UPDATE*** In early September, 2018, I received a pre-qualified offer from BoA without a specified APR. I tossed it. I wasn't going to chance it. I believe I posted this also in the Garden posts.
Is there anyway to get off the BofA Blacklist? I had 2 with them and 1 with FIA years ago... like 2008. They still remember tho. Not on my reports but they deny me anyway.
Is there any hope or should I just give up on them? Thansk
Send in Raymond Reddington!
Yeah it is very possible. Back in 2013 I charged them off for around $1300, account was closed and sent to collection. Luckily I had purchased the credit protection they used to offer on their credit cards back then... they paid off the entire amount I owed and deleted the entire negative entry on my CR. Fast forward to 2015, I reapplied for the BBR and was approved for $1k. The account was eventually closed a year later for unrelated causes but yeah it’s definitely possible..