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I was looking to consolidate some CC balances and do a BT to my Amex Delta Card, which has a healthy 18.5K limit, so I hopped on chat to see what my options were. Agent said that I didn't have any offers at this time, and couldn't initiate at BT without one. Has anyone experienced this before? I guess I had the assumption that one could do a BT at any time. Not just when you had an offer available...
From my experience with various cc issuers, there usully has to be an offer out there for a BT. From what I see of AMEX, there are very little BT offers other than when you first open a card with them initially. I'd try and get the Chase Slate or Citi Simplicity. Those are good options.
I have never seen any BT offers post promo on any Amex cards. I think maybe once a friend of mine that is a delta employee somehow got 0% for 15 months on a delta gold, but never got any future bt offers after that. Best bet is to push for APR reductions every 30-90 days and get it as low as you can.
I really want to have my SPG card at a sub 8% rate and move a lot of my CL from my ED to it. That would be awesome.
Like others, I do not think I have ever seen a BT offer on my amex. I always have them from discover, citi, and barcalays.
I have never seen any pop up and it is probably the last card I, personally, would think of transferring too. I wouldn't want to tie up a balance on a decent rewards card.
I haven't really heard of people doing BTs on Amex cards beyond the initial application. The one thing that would make it nice is that compared to many issuers, it is often easier to get a higher limit and lower APR on an Amex, making it more ideal for a BT.
That said, Amex just doesn't seem to be big on offering them, whereas other issuers shove it in your face every chance they get.
@kdm31091 wrote:I haven't really heard of people doing BTs on Amex cards beyond the initial application. The one thing that would make it nice is that compared to many issuers, it is often easier to get a higher limit and lower APR on an Amex, making it more ideal for a BT.
That said, Amex just doesn't seem to be big on offering them, whereas other issuers shove it in your face every chance they get.
Very true...
OP, this is one of the reasons I have a boatload of CC
Your Discover likely has BT offers of some sort every day of the week.
Chase, much less likely but possible
AMEX, as others have noted... no.
In order to get into the BT game, one must have a card from another bank that is likely to do a BT offer. This means Capital One, Discover, Citi, BofA, US Bank, PenFed or (shudder) Barclays.
As you are discovering (pun) Consolidation of Balances can't be within the same bank, they don't like to play that game.
CU's tend to be open to BT's all of the time and don't charge you to do them either. Here's an offer Consumer's is doing currently if you have a card with them. Considering you pay on average 3% up front with other cards just to move your balance there it's competitive enough for the first year @ 2.99%