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@digitek wrote:My USAlliance card just had the same two benefits removed, there was a notification about it on my last statement.
Could be coincidence, but I bet it is related in some way or another.
Looks like this is a popular feature
to have removed. Nothing surprising about any of
this. You have to adapt in these uncertain times.
Thanks for posting @digitek
appreciate the data points.
@digitek wrote:My USAlliance card just had the same two benefits removed, there was a notification about it on my last statement.
Could be coincidence, but I bet it is related in some way or another.
What was the statement date? My Sep 28th one doesn't have anything, so maybe the Oct one.
I just got a notice with Bank of America and the same thing is happening with my Cash Rewards card. It is losing its secondary auto collision damage waiver, effective 2/1/2021.
@TSlop wrote:I just got a notice with Bank of America and the same thing is happening with my Cash Rewards card. It is losing its secondary auto collision damage waiver, effective 2/1/2021.
After having a cup of coffee and getting the brain to spark up,
I found an article adressing this.
Article is from Auto Slash
Thanks for the data points @TSlop
@UH_HUH I wasn't sure if I should have started a new thread about BoA's CDW drop, but I decided to put it here. I wonder if even more cards will follow suit?
I remember that one of the comments Citi made when nerfing benefits was that their own data showed the supplemental auto insurance benefit was rarely used.
I don't remember ever seeing any disclosures about the motivation behind nerfing extended warranty or price protection benefits i.e. was it a benefit too rarely used for them to justify the expense or too heavily used to be offered as a free perk.
@TSlop wrote:@UH_HUH I wasn't sure if I should have started a new thread about BoA's CDW drop, but I decided to put it here. I wonder if even more cards will follow suit?
@TSlop I am going to change the name of the thread so your discovery
and the one @digitek found get more coverage to our fellow members.Thanks for posting.
My personal opinion on the subject.Citi,BoA,Langley
and USAlliance allready have done it,so yes I believe there will
be more
@AverageJoesCredit wrote:This is no different from other big lenders doing same with their cards and benefits.
You must have a crystal ball @AverageJoesCredit
Great job reading the field correctly. ^5
@coldfusion wrote:I remember that one of the comments Citi made when nerfing benefits was that their own data showed the supplemental auto insurance benefit was rarely used.
I don't remember ever seeing any disclosures about the motivation behind nerfing extended warranty or price protection benefits i.e. was it a benefit too rarely used for them to justify the expense or too heavily used to be offered as a free perk.
Citi Price Rewind was being abused....the stories I've been told...