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Interesting. Got an email from Chase that I'm preapproved for a My Chase Loan against my Freedom Unlimited card.
Lower rate, fixed payment, blah blah blah.
I'm not interested for a variety of reasons, but I am curious... Chase is not offering myself or DW balance transfers right now, and historically, balance transfers have led to CLDs with her accounts. I'm wondering if the MyChaseLoan would have similar negative results.
Up to $4k at 8% could be very appealing to some, and would have been great for me a few years ago, but I'm past that point now.
Still, it's nice to be invited!
Lol Chase would probably find a way to make this count against us. Ok 5/24 ✔ cli requests ✔ loans used✔😁 how else can we punish , er, make it harder for a consumer to get our products
Does this count against your utilization? Is it a new new loan on your credit report?