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Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

Super Contributor

Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

I'm specifically interested in other member's experiences on credit limits with Navy FCU as a brand-new accountholder.  (If you've banked with them for years, it seems your experience will be totally different.) 


My Data Points:

Thick 35+ year file.

Prior active duty military veteran.

830+ credit scores.

Low Debt to income.

Strong six-figure income.

Highest Credit limit 70K.

Lowest Credit limit 9K.

Average Credit limit ~30K.


I opened checking and savings with them in October 2019 with about $1500 in total deposits.  I waited one month and then applied for the Platinum card at the end of about a 10-new-account spree over 18 months.  I was approved for $10K at lowest available APR.  Not a bad SL, but not as high as some have gotten, regardless of FICO, income, and other limits.  I imagine the limit was influenced by being new-to-Navy and all the other recent new accounts.  I transferred $9800 in balances to the card with their 0% and no BT fee offer to build payment history.  I also moved more money into my Navy accounts over time.


I paid off the BTs over three months, waited for statement cut with "0" balance due and credit score to rebound to 848, then applied for CLI at 4 statement cuts/136 days.  Approved for $8K increase to $18K!  Smiley Happy  Not bad, but still was hoping they'd hit more in the ball park of my other credit limits.  I had asked for $40K and hoped to maybe get $20K to $30K.


Since they gave me less than I asked for, I got the explanation letter yesterday. 

It reported with score of 848 and my key factors were:

 - Proportion of balances to Credit Limits too high on revolving accounts (probably due to recent BT with Navy)

 - Length of time Revolving accounts have been established (four new about 5 months ago)

 - Time since most recent account opening is too short

 - Too many accounts recently opened  (4/6, 7/12, 10/24)

 - Number of inquiries on credit bureau report (2/24, 2/12, 2/6 on EQ)


It is a lot of new accounts but one in last six months was just AU and another was opened and then closed, althought I don't think they care if it's closed regarding new accounts.  


The denial reason was something I've seen other members post over and over with Navy:

 "You've reached Navy Federal's maximum unsecured credit limit."


I was surprised to see this explanation given my credit factors and limits with other lenders.  Navy is known on the forums for being super generous with credit limits, but that seems to be only with relationship and history.  Chase, meanwhile, gave me a $35K SL on a CSR almost two years ago.  I can only imagine it's because I've only had account history with Navy for less than six months that explains why $18K is the maximum unsecured limit.   That's still one of my lowest limit cards and my debt payments are only 7.5% of my income. (Revolving utilization normally kept at 1%.)


For other members who have opened accounts with Navy Federal and then applied for credit within the first six months of relationship, what were the starting limits and how long did it take for reaching higher limits?  I know from postings that their maximum limit per card is $50K except Flagship and maximum total limit is $80K.  I'm still far from that, of course.  I hear over and over that they "open the floodgates" on card #2, but seems more the case on the lower starting limits (under $10K or especially under $5K.)   I do plan to apply for the Flagship and/or perhaps the AMEX More Rewards.


For anyone with top limits or close to those, how long did it take you to get there?   I'm willing to build the relationship but just wonder what to expect.  Thanks!

Business Cards

Length of Credit > 40 years; Total Credit Limits >$926K
Top Lender TCL - Chase 156.4 - BofA 99.9 - CITI 96.5 - AMEX 95.0 - NFCU 80.0 - SYCH - 65.0
AoOA > 31 years (Jun 1993); AoYA (Oct 2024)
* Hover cursor over cards to see name & CL, or press & hold on mobile app.
Not applicable

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

From my experience with NFCU and from what I have seen. A new card will always yield higher limit than a CLI. 

Message 2 of 60
Super Contributor

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

As Steve says, this was also the case for me.

I'm not a 1% like yourself. Smiley LOL

First CC started at $15 or $16k.

Second CC was $25 off the rip and 3rd was $22k if I'm not mistaken.

I built mine slowly with Navy. Well slowly compared to members here.😆


So I may not be a good example.

I waited two years before grabbing #2 and #3. But acquired both within 6 months of the other.


I'm at max exposure for the credit cards now, which is $80k across all three.


I do recall a member here who had an income above $500k a year. Navy handed him a $1k SL!! 

He was furious!!😂

Even after reconsideration, they still wouldn't budge. I'm not sure if he kept his Navy account after that.

Message 3 of 60
Legendary Contributor

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

@Gmood1 wrote:

As Steve says, this was also the case for me.

I'm not a 1% like yourself. Smiley LOL

First CC started at $15 or $16k.

Second CC was $25 off the rip and 3rd was $22k if I'm not mistaken.

I built mine slowly with Navy. Well slowly compared to members here.😆


So I may not be a good example.

I waited two years before grabbing #2 and #3. But acquired both within 6 months of the other.


I'm at max exposure for the credit cards now, which is $80k across all three.


I do recall a member here who had an income above $500k a year. Navy handed him a $1k SL!! 

He was furious!!😂

Even after reconsideration, they still wouldn't budge. I'm not sure if he kept his Navy account after that.

$500 = $1k Smiley Wink i remember that . I seem to recall poster did not take @Aim_High  approach and understand $ doesnt = instant $ all the time.


My issue i guess with seeing give me $25k limits NOW! approach is most of the time, and im just as guilty as many here,  the cards are not used heavily if at all. Its more i have so and so on this card  and i want max. Thats all good, i love my feeling of actually achieving  a $25k card , but in reality we should all use our Navy cards more to  earn those limitsSmiley Wink

Message 4 of 60
Super Contributor

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points


When Navy adds external account auto pay. They'll get more use from me.

Don't understand why the largest CU in the world doesn't have this? Kinda ridiculous to me 😆

Message 5 of 60
Super Contributor

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

@Anonymous wrote:

From my experience with NFCU and from what I have seen. A new card will always yield higher limit than a CLI. 

@Gmood1 wrote:

As Steve says, this was also the case for me.

I'm not a 1% like yourself. Smiley LOL

First CC started at $15 or $16k.

Second CC was $25 off the rip and 3rd was $22k if I'm not mistaken.

I built mine slowly with Navy. Well slowly compared to members here.😆


So I may not be a good example.

I waited two years before grabbing #2 and #3. But acquired both within 6 months of the other.


I'm at max exposure for the credit cards now, which is $80k across all three.


I do recall a member here who had an income above $500k a year. Navy handed him a $1k SL!! 

He was furious!!😂

Even after reconsideration, they still wouldn't budge. I'm not sure if he kept his Navy account after that.

I know, right?  "First-World problems."  Smiley Tongue  Thanks for the replies, guys.   It does seem that multiple cards, approved slowly over time, yields the best results.  (You may get approved sooner but leave some money on the table.)    I can wait them out. 


Discover did that exact same thing to me.  It's that closed account I referenced above.  I had a $50K limit card with them, then applied for the IT Miles card.  Got a $1K limit.   Say What?!?   I was beyond insulted, TBH.  Then my DW applied with much lower personal income, no prior Disco history, and lower credit score applied and they gave her $9K. Go figure.  I knew the $1K would grow (eventually) but I just didn't want to fool with it.  (I got it more for the first year bonus anyway.)  So I closed mine and had her add me as AU to hers.  (I can only imagine it was a combination of "maximum exposure reached" with Discover or else the other new accounts I had recently added.)



Business Cards

Length of Credit > 40 years; Total Credit Limits >$926K
Top Lender TCL - Chase 156.4 - BofA 99.9 - CITI 96.5 - AMEX 95.0 - NFCU 80.0 - SYCH - 65.0
AoOA > 31 years (Jun 1993); AoYA (Oct 2024)
* Hover cursor over cards to see name & CL, or press & hold on mobile app.
Message 6 of 60
New Contributor

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

Hmmm. I'm one heck of a lurker here, not all that chatty about my own situation, but your post begs for my DP.

My AoOA is 10 years, AAoA is just below 3 years, 3 accounts opened in 2019. My visa/MC account limits are typically $8K-10K limits currently, I have an Alaska Visa that's $12K 

I joined Navy mid-Oct. Savings and checking, token amounts deposited, no real use since then. Jan 4, got the bug, apped for Platinum Visa online. Instant approval, $15,000 @ 14.49%. TU F8 763. Current DTI was ~6%, plus I have a PL with Lending Club I took out for debt consolodation in July '19, $24K@6.5%APR that was about 45% paid down.

I did 2 BT in Jan and 1 in Feb, highest amount owed on card reached `$8500 in mid Feb, so a little more than 50% of CL

Paid down card with multiple payments totaling $1850 in Jan, $1450 in Feb, $3450 in Mar

Besides the BTs there were minor additional charges, my primary CC is an Airline card (hence the BTs)

And now the meat: at 95/3 via the web page request (not via the mobile app) I requested CLI to $45K (it showed a max allowed request amount of $50K).

There was no immediate response, but about an hour later available credit showed an increase of $8K. The next day the credit line showed a limit of $23K.

And that's it! I'll try again in 6 months. The only other CC I'm interested in is possibly the Flagship, but not really sure I can use the points.

Message 7 of 60
Super Contributor

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

@AverageJoesCredit wrote:

@Gmood1 wrote:


I do recall a member here who had an income above $500k a year. Navy handed him a $1k SL!! 

He was furious!!😂

Even after reconsideration, they still wouldn't budge. I'm not sure if he kept his Navy account after that.

$500 = $1k Smiley Wink i remember that . I seem to recall poster did not take @Aim_High  approach and understand $ doesnt = instant $ all the time.


My issue i guess with seeing give me $25k limits NOW! approach is most of the time, and im just as guilty as many here,  the cards are not used heavily if at all. Its more i have so and so on this card  and i want max. Thats all good, i love my feeling of actually achieving  a $25k card , but in reality we should all use our Navy cards more to  earn those limitsSmiley Wink

Thanks AJC.  Yes, $ doesn't always = $ all the time.  I'm willing to groom my Navy FCU relationship.  I wasn't willing to groom that small Discover card.  I did something similar with Capital One (grew a Platinum with $1K SL to QS with $25K limit) and it was ridiculously painful.  Don't want to do that again on such a small limit.  So ... it just depends.   I understand not getting maximum exposure out-the-gate but $1K is insulting on a major bank card when your other limits are $10K and much higher. 


Yes, I know Navy wants to see some use so I will give that to them and build even more payment history.  I'm also thinking about a mortgage refinance soon while rates are low.  They would love me for that.  Lol Smiley Wink

Business Cards

Length of Credit > 40 years; Total Credit Limits >$926K
Top Lender TCL - Chase 156.4 - BofA 99.9 - CITI 96.5 - AMEX 95.0 - NFCU 80.0 - SYCH - 65.0
AoOA > 31 years (Jun 1993); AoYA (Oct 2024)
* Hover cursor over cards to see name & CL, or press & hold on mobile app.
Message 8 of 60
Valued Contributor

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

There were a few of us here I can recall right off the bat... (not naming names though as they can speak up if they wish)...  me being one of them.  Similiar scenario as you in that I joined Navy one day, apped the next day for the Flagship, and although my income / scores / cards were all in great shape I was given the lowest APR and $10k limit.  Alot of great folks across MyFico, many starting with that $25k limit, but I didn't receive that until I earned it with them the hard way, a few CLI's later... and then my 2nd card finally yielded the $25k amount.  Can't explain what they look at exactly but, still a phenominal CU to be a part of!

Message 9 of 60
Not applicable

Re: Navy Federal CU: New Accountholder Data Points

$8K seems to be the CLI cap from what I've seen. Each CLI request can yield $8K but I can't think of many examples where someone got more than that at once. That's still $16K of new credit per year without having to open a new card. If you want to leapfrog, open a new card and ask them to merge the old into the new one. 

Message 10 of 60
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