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I feel like this is a rant a lot of people can have input on,
I've been chasing CLI's from Discover since I got my card with them and it's been like pulling teeth the whole way, and in the research that I've done, a lot of people can relate. I in the last couple days tried for another CLI with an instant deny(didn't consider the conditions with credit and the current pandemic) however, I was frustrated and wanted real answers besides the stereotypical denial letter. So I was given the phone number 1-800-550-0754 from a chat agent at Disco, and this put me directly in contact with a credit analyst and she explained to me that the reason for denial is lack of experience with current credit line(as I expected), she informed me I got a limit increase this past October from $9000 to $9500 (which I had forgotten) and that I haven't demonstrated hardly any usage of that limit and until I do there's no reason for them to increase my limit which in reality makes 100% sense. I personally love getting higher CL's, I don't really need them and I PIF everything every month, and Disco only gets used when the purchase applies to the rotating 5% category so handful of times every year. I guess now I can accept the fate that I'm stuck there with Disco. Good thing my Amex 6 month CLI is due at the beginning of May, I'm thinking of requesting 40k 0. I don't know how many knew this about Disco or not, but it was helpful info for me and I hope for others.
Thanks for passing along your feedback from the Disco credit analyst... very helpful.
@800who wrote:I feel like this is a rant a lot of people can have input on,
I've been chasing CLI's from Discover since I got my card with them and it's been like pulling teeth the whole way, and in the research that I've done, a lot of people can relate. I in the last couple days tried for another CLI with an instant deny(didn't consider the conditions with credit and the current pandemic) however, I was frustrated and wanted real answers besides the stereotypical denial letter. So I was given the phone number 1-800-550-0754 from a chat agent at Disco, and this put me directly in contact with a credit analyst and she explained to me that the reason for denial is lack of experience with current credit line(as I expected), she informed me I got a limit increase this past October from $9000 to $9500 (which I had forgotten) and that I haven't demonstrated hardly any usage of that limit and until I do there's no reason for them to increase my limit which in reality makes 100% sense. I personally love getting higher CL's, I don't really need them and I PIF everything every month, and Disco only gets used when the purchase applies to the rotating 5% category so handful of times every year. I guess now I can accept the fate that I'm stuck there with Disco. Good thing my Amex 6 month CLI is due at the beginning of May, I'm thinking of requesting 40k 0
. I don't know how many knew this about Disco or not, but it was helpful info for me and I hope for others.
One credit analyst giving you a reason doesn't mean that it is the reason. Discover CLI policies are not nearly as orderly and predictable as she suggests. I've been watching Discover CLI's closely for 5 years, mostly because the most fun MyFICO thread ever dealt with the subject of Discover's short lived "gravy train". And their 'policies', if you can call them that, are all over the place.
I don't think any front line credit analyst really even knows what they are. They only know what they are told, which is not the full story.
If you were to follow the logic of what she told you, and to start using the card heavily to show usage of your credit limit, if they're in denial mode (which they probably are due to Covid 19), they'll probably turn you down because you ARE making use of your credit limit.
Could you call them back ant tell them to reinstate BT's
I need my security blanket
@M_Smart007 wrote:Could you call them back ant tell them to reinstate BT's
I need my security blanket
Yeah, I haven't had a balance transfer offer in months.
I was giving my particular experience, but I've seen people saying they've been denied because of lack of experience and I just wanted to elaborate on it. I don't believe in carrying balances, especially not to chase a higher CL, that doesn't make any sense. I'm simply saying that for me specifically, I've come to terms that Discover isn't going to give me a crazy CL because I don't need it and that's fine.
Sorry for your decline. You're right on it being fun to get increases. Really the only reason I request.
I'm glad someone can relate haha. I don't even bother bringing it up to anyone I know personally, people already think I'm nuts when it comes to credit, finance, etc.
@SouthJamaica wrote:... One credit analyst giving you a reason doesn't mean that it is the reason ...
Yup. This.
I pull the Disco Luv Lever, regularly. The algorithm makes the call, not some necktie (or blouse & skirt) in a cubicle. Sometimes I come up TAILS, and suffer through 12 straight months of NO. Other times I come up HEADS and get CLI in 3 straight months, and 5 out of 7. Oddly, I've changed very little (scores, spend, pif, etc) over that period of almost two years.
I have gotten a sequence of $500 CLI on my Discover over the past several years. Several goose eggs in there as well. The last request ( goose egg ) about a year ago came with the letter reason code "not enough experience with credit limit". So it can be a Thing.
Over the past year I've put several no fee BT on the card, currently three of them for a few thousand total. CLI request last week scored a $3,000 increase to $20,500 CL.
As with medications for viruses, it is difficult to say whether my usage of BT helped, or it was just the passage of time that lead to the latest CLI.