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@AverageJoesCredit wrote:
@Remedios wrote:Last time I used my Dicover was June 2019.
I've gotten $3000.00, $7000.00 and $500.00 CLIs since, without using it again.
No matter which point you make about them, someone else will have completely different experience, because Disco going to Disco.
If you want to accurately predict what they will do, you will need tarot cards, tea leaves, horoscope, and quite possibly, magic 8ball.
No clue if ouija board would help.
Lol sorry @Remedios , with Disco one only needs a 🎱 As for how your fate will be determined on their end....🐵 meets 🎯😄
I use a sundial 🤣
@UncleB wrote:
@M_Smart007 wrote:
@KLEXH25 wrote:
@M_Smart007 wrote:Could you call them back ant tell them to reinstate BT's
I need my security blanket
I currently have two new BT offers from Discover and I'm currently in the midst of using one, so they're still around...
Also, OMG I just earned mentioning privileges!!! @M_Smart007
@KLEXH25it is interesting , because you are supposed to be at least "Senior" in order to @
Maybe @UncleB could shed some light??? or another MOD?
I can confirm at your current "Rank" that it is working ..
Rank Perk Description Minimum Rank Required Putting cards in signature Member Uploading images into posts Member Changing user avatar Regular Contributor signaling posters using @name Senior Contributor or Community Leade The ability to @mention has been opened up for the entire community.
(Please enjoy and use it judiciously.)
Thats great @UncleB now watch this.... @M_Smart007 @Anonymous @AllZero , this is fun!
@M_Smart007 wrote:
@AllZero wrote:
@M_Smart007 wrote:
@Ficoproblems247 wrote:@M_Smart007 I have them too. I think something either changed or someone goofed!
Ya @Ficoproblems247 , I think since @AllZero wants to be a troublemaker, I will tag everytime someone tags me
Lolz. I wonder if I can tag myself on mobile?
Will not work
Desktop maybe @AllZero ?
@AverageJoesCredit wrote:
@UncleB wrote:
@M_Smart007 wrote:
@KLEXH25 wrote:
@M_Smart007 wrote:Could you call them back ant tell them to reinstate BT's
I need my security blanket
I currently have two new BT offers from Discover and I'm currently in the midst of using one, so they're still around...
Also, OMG I just earned mentioning privileges!!! @M_Smart007
@KLEXH25it is interesting , because you are supposed to be at least "Senior" in order to @
Maybe @UncleB could shed some light??? or another MOD?
I can confirm at your current "Rank" that it is working ..
Rank Perk Description Minimum Rank Required Putting cards in signature Member Uploading images into posts Member Changing user avatar Regular Contributor signaling posters using @name Senior Contributor or Community Leade The ability to @mention has been opened up for the entire community.
(Please enjoy and use it judiciously.)
Thats great
@UncleB now watch this.... @M_Smart007 @Anonymous @AllZero , this is fun!
@M_Smart007 wrote:
@AllZero wrote:
@M_Smart007 wrote:
@Ficoproblems247 wrote:@M_Smart007 I have them too. I think something either changed or someone goofed!
Ya @Ficoproblems247 , I think since @AllZero wants to be a troublemaker, I will tag everytime someone tags me
Lolz. I wonder if I can tag myself on mobile?
Will not work
Trying to tag yourself could result in account AA lol. Kind of like self referrals? Lol
I got my denial letter from PayPal today and the reason is "Requested credit line exceeds the amount of increase our policy allows" and that's it. I couldn't have called them any faster and I've never dealt with their customer support, but man it was interesting. The lady was giving the weirdest explanations, I was under the impression that $10k is my limit now until the day I perish.. and then she asks what I requested, I couldn't remember when I originally applied, but I just said $25k and she said okay hold one moment. Comes back and said "sir the reason you were denied is because your limit is $10k not $25k and that's why it was denied." (now I'm in my head thinking these people are working from home and getting hammered), so I repeat my self and she puts me on hold again and comes back and says sir it's in the Synchrony terms so I google it and find what she's referring to and all it says is that your credit limit is whatever Synchrony grants you and she said it doesn't specifically say your limit is $10k, but the message still applies... (at this point I'm pretty over it, clearly we're never going to be on the same page) and then at the very end she said well with the pandemic going on Synchrony sees it as a high risk to raise anyone's limit so they're not really increasing anyone's limits and I said oh so this is a pattern and she said no you're the first person I've dealt with this issue. Then she assures me to try again once every week until I get what I want... thoughts?
@800who wrote:I feel like this is a rant a lot of people can have input on,
I've been chasing CLI's from Discover since I got my card with them and it's been like pulling teeth the whole way, and in the research that I've done, a lot of people can relate. I in the last couple days tried for another CLI with an instant deny(didn't consider the conditions with credit and the current pandemic) however, I was frustrated and wanted real answers besides the stereotypical denial letter. So I was given the phone number 1-800-550-0754 from a chat agent at Disco, and this put me directly in contact with a credit analyst and she explained to me that the reason for denial is lack of experience with current credit line(as I expected), she informed me I got a limit increase this past October from $9000 to $9500 (which I had forgotten) and that I haven't demonstrated hardly any usage of that limit and until I do there's no reason for them to increase my limit which in reality makes 100% sense. I personally love getting higher CL's, I don't really need them and I PIF everything every month, and Disco only gets used when the purchase applies to the rotating 5% category so handful of times every year. I guess now I can accept the fate that I'm stuck there with Disco. Good thing my Amex 6 month CLI is due at the beginning of May, I'm thinking of requesting 40k 0
. I don't know how many knew this about Disco or not, but it was helpful info for me and I hope for others.
I like this. Thanks for sharing. And to a plain person like me, it only makes logical sense.
Why would a lender give anyone capital without having established that: 1. It's needed and 2. Said person has an established history being able to handle that capital and pay it back responsibly.
There's always that "but I need it for emergencies" argument. Again, if I'm a lender and it's never been demonstrated to me that you can recover from such emergencies gracefully, why would I increase my max exposure?
I dunno, just saying.
@800who wrote:I got my denial letter from PayPal today and the reason is "Requested credit line exceeds the amount of increase our policy allows" and that's it. I couldn't have called them any faster and I've never dealt with their customer support, but man it was interesting. The lady was giving the weirdest explanations, I was under the impression that $10k is my limit now until the day I perish.. and then she asks what I requested, I couldn't remember when I originally applied, but I just said $25k and she said okay hold one moment. Comes back and said "sir the reason you were denied is because your limit is $10k not $25k and that's why it was denied." (now I'm in my head thinking these people are working from home and getting hammered), so I repeat my self and she puts me on hold again and comes back and says sir it's in the Synchrony terms so I google it and find what she's referring to and all it says is that your credit limit is whatever Synchrony grants you and she said it doesn't specifically say your limit is $10k, but the message still applies... (at this point I'm pretty over it, clearly we're never going to be on the same page) and then at the very end she said well with the pandemic going on Synchrony sees it as a high risk to raise anyone's limit so they're not really increasing anyone's limits and I said oh so this is a pattern and she said no you're the first person I've dealt with this issue. Then she assures me to try again once every week until I get what I want... thoughts?
I know the usual technique around here is to shoot for the moon and let them countering, but I'm guessing in today's economic climate, that's no longer a sound strategy. Perhaps you can wait a few weeks and try again? And instead of requesting $25k, you can shoot for something you're more likely to be approved for. If you don't really need it, and you're not fully using your current credit limit, they are not inclined to increase their risk at this time.
If you have a 10k limit with Sync and arent really using it, now is not the time to push for 25k. Thats just asking for eyes on your account that might lead to some clds. Just my 2 cents.......see still have $9999.98 to use
Hard to argue with that Joe! I'm currently carrying almost 2k balance right now on it, it reported couple days ago, it'll be paid off, but still, I plan on purchasing a home in the near future and this card is going to get used for furnishing so a bigger limit is going to be needed.