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When I logged in and clicked on my card it looks like it's applying for a new card not a CLI. It then goes through the standard credit pull disclousre. Can anyone else cofirm that this would be a soft pull and a CLI vs Hard pull and new card?
Not worth risking it without more info as I don't need a new card at the moment but a free SP CLI isn't something I would turn down.
Thanks again
@Meanmchinewrote:Talk about getting your hopes up .......
I was reading this thread when I got the incoming email chime. IT WAS FROM PENFED ..... asking me to open a checking account
Talk about a letdown
I got the CLI / New account offer on Jan 1st or so. It was the first increase offer Ive gotten from Penfed and I accepted ( it basically doubled my PCR cl ) Once you accept an offer, how long do you normally have to wait til you get offers again?
Congrats to all on your new offers !
Thanks Machine! I got that checking account email too - they must be trying to just scurry up some business for some reason lol
@Anonymouswrote:Haven't gotten any offers yet, email or otherwise. My EQ FICO 9 doesn't get pulled until the 30th, so if anything comes up it'll probably be early April. I opened my auto loan last February and my Power Cash Rewards in July, got a CLI in early November and applied for another one this month but was turned down. I saw just this morning on CCT though that my EQ FICO 8 has jumped 10 points to 703, so I'm hoping for a similar improvement on FICO 9.
My FICO 9's are a bit sexier than my 8's. I've noticed though when one goes up, the other does as well, but like with a 10% bonus lol
Good to see Penfed likes crackExplains alot
LOL Once you go crack, you never go back LOL
@frank784wrote:When I logged in and clicked on my card it looks like it's applying for a new card not a CLI. It then goes through the standard credit pull disclousre. Can anyone else cofirm that this would be a soft pull and a CLI vs Hard pull and new card?
Not worth risking it without more info as I don't need a new card at the moment but a free SP CLI isn't something I would turn down.
Thanks again
Gmood is correct on this. I checked it out online and the first screen does look like a 2nd card (even shows the APR for the new card), but if you keep clicking thru it recognizes that you have a current card and it does ask a few screens later if you want to increase the current card or opt for a 2nd card. It does work!
I did go thru and accept the $17,600 offer, but I opted to use it as a CLI on my current Plat Rewards (I'm trying to be mindful of new accounts). I don't need the additional limit, but this may not be an offer always available so I snatched it up.
Even though the screen looked it was going to pull credit, it DID NOT and it was a successful SP. The new limit of $47,600 showed online after about 10min, which is a bit faster than normal for them. I'm loving PenFed right now!
If I ever get any other offers (for cards) from them, I'll be capped out at $2,400, which I would just apply here and max it out at $50,000
😂😂😂 took you long enough.For a minute, I thought you were going to wimp out. 😆
Oh I was! Decided, the WORST that can happen is they say "No, that's not the offer extended" -- I just wanted to avoid a HP, but it's just how they worded it. If the moved up the "CLI or New Card" radio button to the front, it would have been much easier to power thru.