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So, Sync closed my Wal-mart card out of the blue three days ago. Found this out when I logged into CK this morning. Called the regular number and the back door number for recon with no luck. They will not re-instate because of inactivity. Told me that there is no manual way to override their computer. I guess the robot takeover has begun. So frustrating! I guess my silver lining is that I needed to weed out the chaff. I have three other Sync accounts from my rebuilding days. Gonna cancel them all in the near future and never look back. <Insert cuss word here.>
Just do a search for Synchrony on these boards, no love lost with them, or something like that.
Just for no activity?
A lot of issuers can and will close cards if there's been no activity on them for a very long time (making payments on an outstanding balance usually doesn't count). That's why a lot of people say that if you're not currently using a card but want to keep it, it's a good idea to make a (small) purchase every few months and then PIF. I would speculate that the OP hadn't been using their Walmart card for a very long time - I don't know how long because I don't think Synchrony discloses its inactive-card policy. Most issuers don't, but those who do generally say it has to be at least 6 to 12 months without being used at all.
What sort of inactivity are we talking here? 6 months? A year? Personally I can fully understand if a lender closes an account that goes for an extended period of time with out usage.
Synchrony does bite some people. Sorry to hear about the issues with them.
I remain a fan of Synchrony and use my Lowe's and Amazon cards with some regularity. My Nissan card gets occasional use and my Marvel rarely gets used now that I get 4% dining on my Uber card.
Many other cards in the market. Personally it feels like banks continuing to reduce their risk and exposure.
Most creditors will close a card after a lengthy period of inactivity. Hard to blame them. They are extending credit that is going unused and therefore you are an unprofitable customer. If a card is important enough to you then it's not difficult to use it occasionally so that it's not closed.
does the walmart card do this alot? ive been reading alot of stories of the walmart card either being closed or cutting peoples credit lines to make them go over 90% util
@Anonymouswrote:does the walmart card do this alot? ive been reading alot of stories of the walmart card either being closed or cutting peoples credit lines to make them go over 90% util
I'd forgotten about that last bit, which makes me glad that my Walmart store card is actually one of my smaller current CL's (at $4K).
So sorry that happened to you. Your post reminded me that I need to use a couple of my cards.