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I recently got a not so good experience with an app that I was pre-qualified and then denied.
The Credit Bureau in question was Transunion. So I went to AnnualCreditReport and checked the file.
Nothing out of the ordinary, except that next to Discover was the word Trigger. It was a SP.
BTW, my AUs are there, but didn't do squat for me.
Is it possible that that little "stain" could be the reason for the denial?.,
I remember asking for a CLI about that time. With 0 balance. Denied, but that's OK.
What's your opinion?. Thanks in advance.
It has nothing to do with your denial.
Read up on Trigger Leads by CRAs, that's what it is
They SPed your report based on it
Ok, I'll bite.
Does OP already have a Discover card, or the Discover was the denial and now appears on the credit report as a marketing skeleton?
I will admit to major confusion.
@NRB525 wrote:Ok, I'll bite.
Does OP already have a Discover card, or the Discover was the denial and now appears on the credit report as a marketing skeleton?
I will admit to major confusion.
Yes, I have a Discover card.
A few months ago, I asked CLIs in the small limit cards. Discover amonst them.
Fast forward to the Trigger thing.
A few days ago, I prequalified for CreditCare for 9.2k, pressed the "not interested"
key, since the interest rate was too high, and they did prequal me anyway. It was a denial. SP. Transunion.
I went to Transunion to check if something was really wrong in the file.
Nothing was. They have approved me with much less credit and much lower credit score.
The only thing out of the ordinary was a notation next to a Discover SP saying "Trigger."
From when I asked for the CLIs before all this. And @Remedios sent me the info to
read what CRA Trigger is, I know now what it means.
Has nothing to do with the denial, as was pointed out.
Hope this clarify the situation. For I tend to think way more than I convey.
I'm still clueless.
Does discussion of CRA Triggers violate MF TOS, so links about it cannot be shared?
@Creditin i get one of those every time Disco offers me a new product such as savings, PL, etc
This is just the latest one
OP thanks for creating this post, and thanks for the link @Remedios . I haven't checked annual credit report probably in at least three weeks to a month. Same as OP I found "Discover Trigger" on my Transunion report. Learn something new everyday I guess.