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So, I'm curious if the rewards are tracked in the online portal for the Target RedCard MasterCard? This is of course provided you are given an upgrade. They only send out your earnings yearly as a target gift card.
I know there isn't a huge reason to use outside target but still i'm curious non the less
Wow so it works like costco? Once a year rewards?
OP: Tracked?
Quarterly, they mail you your accrued rewards for the non Target spend. It is just a dollar amount. (I am unaware of an online version.)
I think the clock resets end of January; the rewards are automatically converted into a Target gift card and mailed around March.
Above posts are correct. And with the earnings rates, there is seldom reason to use the Target MC outside of Target over another card.
I have had the redcard for 8 years, used it al always paid in full, my CL is still at $800 and never got any invite to upgrade, hell i didn't even know that they had a MC.
@CS800 wrote:
I have had the redcard for 8 years, used it al always paid in full, my CL is still at $800 and never got any invite to upgrade, hell i didn't even they had a MC.
Many reports are that you need to let a balance post to be in their system as someone who uses their card.
kinda off topic, but whats the highest CL for the target CC?
@Anonymous wrote:kinda off topic, but whats the highest CL for the target CC?
I think its like $17000.
@brk1971 wrote:
@CS800 wrote:
I have had the redcard for 8 years, used it al always paid in full, my CL is still at $800 and never got any invite to upgrade, hell i didn't even they had a MC.Many reports are that you need to let a balance post to be in their system as someone who uses their card.
General trick to try to improve odds of a CLI is to use the card every month, always PIF the statement balance without exception, and update your income every month even if there was no change.
Finally got an auto CLI on the red card. Only took 5 years of using it consistantly and paying in full every time