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I have had the card for 18 months now and over that time I have gone from $3,700 to start now to $25,000!!! Great card and great benefits with 2% cash back and all the 3 times I requested a CLI they were low offers and I requested more credit after and was granted the requested amount everytime (none of those 3 times btw did I get a Hard Pull on credit report even though it said it would for requesting more credit... they have never pulled and inquiry on me other then the first time when I got the card).
SO .... now that I am at $25,000 .... I am curious .... What Is The Max Possible Credit Limit On This Card????? Anyone Know?
Thanks so much and I look forward to a reply from somehow who knows the answer to this question.
I have 41k, but I have seen 50 here in the forum.
Okay thats very good to hear .... seems from these couple replies thre have some 50K limits so I would assume at the moment that may be the max. I have shot for $10K every 6 months the last two times and got approved. So maybe in another 6 months from now I will shot for 10 to maybe 15K then follow up with the same approved increase a year from now to hopefully be near that $50K.
Thanks so much for rhe replies.
@Anonymous wrote:Okay thats very good to hear .... seems from these couple replies thre have some 50K limits so I would assume at the moment that may be the max. I have shot for $10K every 6 months the last two times and got approved. So maybe in another 6 months from now I will shot for 10 to maybe 15K then follow up with the same approved increase a year from now to hopefully be near that $50K.
Thanks so much for rhe replies.
why not just ask for the $50k or more and let them counter.
my husbands is $32k and some change.
If Citi didn't make it so difficult to combine cards we would take it higher and get rid of AA personal.
Ya Now that I am up to $25K in another 6 months I will be applying for another CLI ... the once they approve the pointless $2,500 or whatever dumb increase it is I will then ask for $50K!
At tht point my history willbe 2 years of solid use never going over a couple thousand any billing period along with making large $1K Plus payment every time (I use this card for everything ... bills, payments, insurnace, anything I buy ... then use the money from check I would normally pay from bank account to make a massive payment) which looks great to them and on the credit report.
I'm sure 6 months from now I'll be up to the $50K or somewhere in between if they counter.
Thanks for all the replies.
FYI Citi's internal policy limits your max line to roughtly 48% of your income. When I worked there, we pushed up against it a few times on Citigold clients. If you have the credit, and the spend makes sense they will push it as high as you qualify for.
Well I am not not sure if this just applies to me but I requested $50,000 this time around for a CLI (after they granted 47K increase up from $25K) and I got an email stating this .......
"Thank you for your interest in obtaining a credit-limit increase on your Citi account. Although we are unable to give you the total amount requested, we are pleased to inform you that your credit limit has been increased to $40700. This amount is currently the maximum amount of credit our policy will allow.
The specific details explaining this decision will be provided to you within 7-10 days.
We value you as a customer and appreciate the opportunity to serve your financial needs.
Credit Management"