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@gdale6 wrote:
And they all sit there and laugh. Equifax will pay 17% of one years profit for their epic breech, they are laughing as well, so will Cap-1 after the lawsuits, the people will get nearly zilch. Sick of it all.
The barristers that sign the most clients to their class-action filing will make out like bandits!
We need to do away with SSN all together and go to something else. part of the problem is they are still working on 30 year computers! A 5 yro could break the firewall! Probably still working off DOS, LOL..
I wonder how long they keep a person's info on file after closing an account? lol
Also seems like their first go to is credit monitering, well don't most people already have that service these days?
Perhaps going forward tech company software engineers should have to go through riggorous background checks;
What would compel someone, in a soomewhat decent career field, to do something of this nature?
When i think of "hacker" I think of someone wronged in some way and trying to get back at the Company, but those 100K affected people were wronged in the process. Or some rogue just out to cause kaos.
This kind of thing definitely makes a person think twice about having their info "out" there, what's worse is that these Companies want even more unrestricted access to it. yet don't want to secure it properly!
What I don't understand is this person should've been living very comfortably as a pen tester. Perhaps she was, I suppose, but she's obviously talented. Why in the hell would you go to jail over it? My guess is she had a couple of bucketed cards and decided to stick it to them after poking around a bit!
What the heck?
Basically anyone with a business card who is a sole proprietor
Blockchain couldn't come up with a better marketing campaign than this hot steaming pile of mess.
@mikesonthemend wrote:Blockchain couldn't come up with a better marketing campaign than this hot steaming pile of mess.
The bottom line is that as long as companies aren’t forced to implement an offline system for storing sensitive data that isn’t connected to any system with internet access, this will continue to happen.
@Anonymous wrote:
@mikesonthemend wrote:Blockchain couldn't come up with a better marketing campaign than this hot steaming pile of mess.
The bottom line is that as long as companies aren’t forced to implement an offline system for storing sensitive data, this will continue to happen.
Good to know! I knew hot wallets were vulnerable. Sheesh. Cash under the mattress and weapons are all we can count on.